******   Analysis tools for T2KK *************

23-Jun-2006 K. Okumura

23-August-2006 F. Dufour (Modifications & Clarifications)


This analysis tools is based on previous Ishitsuka's analysis.
(see Ishitsuka et al. hep-ph/0504026)

"codes" from suketto:/home/ishi/public_html/codes.tar
"output.tar.gz" from suketto:/home/ishi/public_html/output.tar.gz


There is a program to calculate oscillation probabiilty at
kamioka and korea.
No modification there at all.

Directory of oscillation analysis programs.
Main modifications are here

Tables which are needed to calculate expected event spectrum
at kamioka/korea is stored there in hbook file format.
Added like-eff-10.hbk (also 15,20,25) which are tables giving the likelihood efficiency


1. Make oscillation probability table in "osc_calc" directory. (
No modification there at all)
"prob_runge_kutta.f" is that program. this program needs input
normal/inverted hierarchy
kamioka or kore
some oscilation parameter
baseline length to korea site
see more details in "prob_runge_kutta.sh"

this program makes probability spectrum table in 0-4GeV (10MeV/bin)
for various th13 and CP parameters.

2. Make expeced event spectrum at Kamioka/Korea in "codes" directory

"resolution80nonqe.F" is that program. This program read probablity
table and make exected event spectrum for various th13 and CP.
This needs several tables:
- hbook file in which smearing matrix between Etrue and Erecon
- hbook file in which convertion spectrum table from Prob. to
event spectrum contain
- hbook file giving the likelihood efficiency.

these files you will find in "table" directory.

resolution80nonqe.F can be run in "check" mode. In that case it doesn't compute the tables for each value
of CP and th13 but it stops at a requested value and put every possible spectrum into an hbook file:

#ifdef CHECK
call resolution_check_init
nth13_check = 92 ie sin^2(2th13)=0.103
ndelta_check = 26 ie delta=0.158 ~Pi/2

To compile, type:

% ./compile.sh

Before compiling, make sur that the .h files are the one I want.
Right background in osc_param.h.
Right volume, detector setup, years of running, binning in setup.h
(Do not change setup.h manually) but create a new file setup.h.newfile and change compile.sh

Then all programs including oscillation analysis will be compiled

see "mktable.sh" for how to run this.
To change neutrino beam spectrum such as off-axis angle, change
convertion table file, which are specified as "R80_EVSPEC" variable
in "mktable.sh".

see below to change analysis energy binning. (Warning some thing are still hard-coded (5---> 7 energy bins
requested changes in
calc_min_chi2.F &calc_min_chi2_frac.F)

3. Do oscillation analysis in "codes" directory

calc_min_chi2.F :
calculate sensitivity for th13 and CP value for certain
oscillation parameter. see "analysis.sh" and
"4dege_example.kumac" for how to run and how to plot

calc_min_chi2_frac.F :
calc_min_chi2_frac.F, I had to split the background between off-axis angle and Kamioka/Korea.
I also had to manually change the binning from 5 to 7 in the reading of the inout files. This is still hard-coded currently

calculate sensitive CP fraction.
see "loop_frac.sh", "fraction_region.sh", "region.kumac",
and "fraction.kumac" for how to run and how to plot.
NB loop_frac.sh is the very time consuming step. Take about 24 hours for 7 energy bins


* how to change energy binning in oscillation parameter

1. change number of energy bin in "setup.h_kam_2-6" and
"setup.h_kam_kor" (both)

> parameter (nebin=5)

2. change edge of energy binning in "energy_binning.F"

> data bins/400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1200.0/

this is an array which contain edges of energy binnning.
size of this array should be nebin+1.

3. compile

% ./compile.sh