QCD as a testing ground of Holography

We will explore the possibility of approaching to QCD via a new tool: Holographic QCD. By assuming that there is a 5D dual of QCD, one can use the known behavior of QCD to probe the dual main features. One by one, we will develop a 'dictionary' between low and high energy QCD and the 5D model. Several striking consequences of this guess will be presented here: Origin of chiral symmetry breaking, automatic vector-meson-dominance, proper high-energy behavior, condensates... have an intuitive description in the 5D model. Apart from these theoretical considerations, QCD observables can be predicted numerically within an agreement of less than 30%, an indication that Holographic QCD is catching many features of the actual Physics.
hep group
Last modified: Mon Feb 6 9:33:00 EDT 2006