Likelihood study
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This page will summarize the work theta I did on the likelihood to separate signal form background in the context of long baseline neutrino experiments.

2006 work espcially description of the code
current work


Current work


work is in: /work/fdufour/t2kk/0705_like-10gev

I updated the plot for the cut which keeps 40% of signal (now I don't use the overflow bins anymore, which gives more sensible results).
I create the likelihood that use the cuts that maximizes S/sqrt(B).

Here are the plots:

Cut which keeps about 40% of signal
Cut which maximizes S/sqrt(B)

Comparison of both method

Plot of S/sqrt(B) (to check that the cut chosen is really the one which maximize S/sqrt(B):
(NB properly normalized for T2K)

for bin 1 - 4
for bin 5 - 8

and the cut value was chosen as in this file

Number of events summary in the T2K MC that I use:

E rec  Signal Background
raw -  normalized to T2K raw    -  normalized to T2K
0-0.35 GeV 1390 -  9.18 1003 -  56.52
0.35-0.85 GeV 3045 -  20.11 920 -   47.77
0.85-1.5 GeV 1768 -   11.67 417 -  21.97
1.5-2 GeV 878 -   5.79 139 -   8.02
2-3 GeV 1280 -   8.45 166 -   10.48
3-4 GeV 557 -   3.67 90 -  5.71
4-5 GeV 191 -  1.26 24 -   1.739
5-10 GeV 282 -   1.86 34 -  2.51


work is in: /work/fdufour/t2kk/0705_like-10gev

Up until now I always separate background from signal by placing the likelihood cut at 0, but the FNAL group place the likelihood cut such that they keep about 40% or signal in each energy bin.
This seem to be giving better results.

Here are a comparison of the 2 methods:

Cut at 0
Cut which keeps about 40% of signal

My next step will be to create a likelihood that uses the cut that maximizes s/sqrt(b)