Since I always have a
real hard time with normalization factor here is a page where I
summarized all what I know!
This page also include units and things like that.
Unsolved questions:
- For T2KK 1yr = 130 days
(1.12 E+7 sec) according to hep-ex 0106019 is that still true?
- How is the steradian
binning done in the flux tables? (cf atmospheric SK)?
Solved questions:
- Factor of 1E+5 off
in T2KK signal calculation (cf T2KK section)? See difference
between 069023 and 061023
- For T2KK signal why
is the normalization factor different for nue and nuebar?
: Not exactly sure why, but it taking care of when computing the
absolute normalization. Something about the amount of neutrons/protons
in water...
- How to compare
P.O.T vs seconds in order to divide T2KK flux by SK flux?:
SK flux is given per second, where T2KK flux is given in 1E+21 POT
which corresponds to 8.53E+6 seconds when we assume 40GeV protons and
0.75MW beam.
conversion factors:
1GeV =1.6 E-10 J
1MW = 1E+6 J/s
1Mton of water =2.6 E+35 neutrons
E+35 nucleons
Avogadro's number = 6.02 E+23 mol-1
Fixed one more bug 40/50 GeV
protons issue:
flux were given for 1E+21POT per year, but with 40 GeV protons and a
0.75 MW beam, this corresponds only to 8.5E+6 sec per year.
In Ishitsuka's paper one year is assumed to be 130 days =1.12E+7sec
There I am missing a factor of 1.12/0.85
and the correct normalization is:
Event spectrum is given in : 1MW
1Mt 1yr so the conversion factor from the flux*xsec to the event
spectrum should be:
= (6.02 E+35) * (1/0.75) * (1E-38) * (1E+6) * (1.12/0.85) = 10576
Calculation (following Okumura-san's prob2event_korea.kumac)
Flux is given in cm-2 per 1E+21 POT according
to A.Rubbia's webpage
(we assume that 1E+21POT are
delivered in 1 yr) TO BE CHECKED
Cross-section are given in 1E-38 cm2 according to
the following plot
cross-sections in that files already assume the fraction of neutron
(protons) in H20
for neutrinos (antineutrinos)
is the fraction of neutrons
is the fraction of protons (includint free protons)
power assumed to be 0.75MW
but I want 1MW
Mass of
target 1 Mton of water = 1E+12
gr of water = 6.02
E+35 nucleons
Event spectrum is given in : 1MW
1Mt 1yr so the conversion factor from the flux*xsec to the event
spectrum should be:
= (6.02 E+35) * (1/0.75) * (1E-38) * (1E+6) = 8026.66
why should the unit of flux be 1E+6
cm-2 per 1E+21 POT
Answer: This factor come from
Okumura-san's kumac to make flux files from Rubbia's file (mkflux.kumac)
For background:
Here is the correct way to deal with 40/50 GeV proton:
As for the signal I want to consider one year =1.12E+7 sec but the flux
files are given with 1 year=8.5E+6sec
So the normalization factor that I get is: (for more details see 061023)
SK time = 100yr =3.15 E9 seconds
T2KK time = 1year of 1.12 E7 seconds
and that's it since I already put the flux in seconds before!!!
T2KK/SK = ((8.5E+6)-1 s-1/s-1)
* (1/10)* (1/0.0225)* (1.12E7/3.15E9 )*
* 1/0.75
Flux time units 10MeVbins
1E-6 factor in T2KK beam
= 1/(8.5E+6)
*1/10 *1/0.0225
*3.71E-3 * 1E+6 * 1/0.75
= 2.47E-3
Note the T2K normalization number stated before was given at Kamioka,
so I need to divide by 12.66 to compare with 2.47E-3
For 28 BG events, at 2.5 OA, correcting for time by 1.12/0.85,
correcting for distance by 12.66
the factor I get is 2.33E-3, which is very close to the computer number.
If I consdider 23 BG, 2.0 OA then the factor is 1.5E-3, which is off by
about a factor 1.6.
I think this is ok, and within the uncertainty of my input parameters.
As for the signal I want to consider one year =1.12E+7 sec but the flux
files are given with 1 year=8.5E+6sec
So the normalization factor that I get is: (for more details see 061023)
T2KK/SK = ((8.5E+6)-1 s-1/s-1)
* (1/10)* (1/0.0225)*
{(1/100) *(1.12/0.85) } * 1E+6
* 1/0.75
Flux time units 10MeVbins
1E-6 factor in T2KK beam
= 1/(8.5E+6)
*1/10 *1/0.0225
*1/100 *1.31 * 1E+6 * 1/0.75
= 9.18E-3
In order to check that factor, I used our new flux files (properly
normalized by Okumura-san) and used our old technique (described above)
and I got a factor of 0.01976
But in Ishitsuk-as paper 50 GeV protons were assumed which might lead
to a difference in the number of background events expected:
- In
Maxim's talk we get 23 background events instead of 28 and therefore
the normalization factor would become 1.61E-2.
I think it is more correct to use this number.
- Using Reconstructed energy to assign likelihood weight in the
mkbg.kumac gave 0.2156 before using 28 bg events so now
using reconstruced energy + Maxim's number of events I get 0.01821
I am off "only" by a factor of ~2.0..... where is my mistake???
For background, we ran on
atmospheric MC and just reweighted by the T2KK flux. We also set
the overall normalization knowing how many events where expect for T2K
at Kamioka for
1MW 1Mt 1yr,
and just rescale by the ratio of the distance squared to get the
normalization in Korea.
Here is Okumura-san's email:
In Ishituka paper, background normalization is adjusted so that
28 events in 350-850MeV for
(0.75x0.0225x5)MwMtonYr and 2.5
degree off-axis beam
so for 1MwMtonYr, 332 events are expected.
please determine normalization so that number of
events in 350-850MeV
become 332 events for 2.5degree off-axis
would like to try to get it from first principles.
In that case the normalization factor is: ratio*posc*like_weight*0.01976
- where ratio is the ratio of the fluxes, posc is
the oscillation probability, like_weight is the likelihood weight
- where 0.01976
is the normalization factor that I'd like to reproduce.
(NB I checked that factor by making
event spectrum using the new flux files and it gives sensible results)
For that I need to know the units of the flux and cross section assumed
in T2KK (done same as signal) and in atmospheric neutrino Monte Carlo
(go see section about atmospheric neutrinos MC).
Assuming both cross-sections were the same (and I checked it is):
Flux = cm-2 per 1E+21
POT (And
there is a factor of 1E-6 to keep track of)
in 10 MeV bins
1E+21 POT for
a 0.75MW beam
and 40GeV protons
this is equal to 8.53E+6 seconds
of protons
Mass = 1Mton =
E+35 nucleons
Time = I want to normalize it to 1
Beam =
I want a 1MW beam but I have 0.75 MW --> Factor of 1/0.75
factor taken care of later, not need to worry about it now)
sr-1 GeV-1
is was is usually stated BUT in flux.F, where we get the Superk flux,
we transform the units to:
The text says cm-2
but I think that the steradian integration is done in flux.F
flxb(i) =
flxb(i) + fnbarfx03(energy,dir,solact,ip)*dd/1.E+7
So I should NOT
multiply the SK flux by 4pi. RIGHT?
Mass = 0.0225
Mton = 0.0225*6.02E+35
Time = I have 100
yr of MC
In order to be able to compare the fluxes I have to:
divide the T2KK flux by 10 MeV to get rid of the binning (and get MeV-1
So the normalization factor that I get is:
T2KK/SK = ((8.53E+6)-1 s-1/s-1)
* (1/10)* (1/0.0225)*
(1/100) * 1E+6
* 1/0.75
Flux time units 10MeVbins
Masses Time
1E-6 factor in T2KK beam
= 1/(8.53E+6)
*1/10 *1/0.0225
*1/100 * 1E+6 * 1/0.75
= 6.93E-3
In order to check that factor, I used our new flux files (properly
normalized by Okumura-san) and used our old technique (described above)
and I got a factor of 0.01976
I am off "only" by a factor of ~2.8..... where is my mistake???
I want the
normalization for 2500 Kton MW 107sec: (which is
5 years of running for 300kton and 1year =1.7 E7 seconds)
Flux is given in neutrino/GeV/m2/POT
at 1km from the target
the units are per GeV but the binning is per 75MeV, so I need to
multiply my flux by 0.075 to have something correct
Cross-section are
given in 1E-38 cm2 in
file bnl14_numu_crsqe_flux.hbk (bnl14_nue_crsqe_flux.hbk)
NB (In this case the fraction of neutrons in water
is NOT included.. need to be taken care off later)
5*1.7 E+7 sec
Mass of
target 300 kton of water = 0.3E+12
gr of water = 1.81
E+35 nucleons
Note that sometimes we said 500
Kton and therefore 3.01 E+35 nucleons
this number is ok if used with the 1.12 POT as exaplined below.
with 28GeV protons and 1MW beam = 1.90
E+22 POT
Note that in previous work it was
sometimes considered 500Kton
and less running time and there for the following number is sometimes
2500 Kton MW 107sec
corresponds to 1.12
E+22 POT
(cf there)
--> 6.01E-7
Normalization factor: 0.075 *
1E-42 * 6.01E-7 * 1.12E+22 * 3.01E+35 = 1.52 E+8
We are using the same technique
than for T2KK where we use the SK MC in order to know how the
likelihood behave, and then we just reweight the SK flux by the FNAL
Flux is given in neutrino/GeV/m2/POT
at 1km from the target
Warning the
units are per GeV but the binning is per 75MeV, but I would have to
divide by the binning to be able to compare with the SK flux. So in
this case I just have to change GeV to MeV but I DO NOT need to
multiply by the binning.
Cross-section 1E-38 cm2
5E+7 sec
Mass of
target 500
--> 6.0E-7
And the number of POT in 1
second for a 1 MW beam with 28GeV protons is 2.23E+14.
Flux cm-2
(Look at the T2KK section about background
for more details about that units of flux)
Cross-section 1E-38 cm2
Mass 22.5
Time 100
yr of MC = 3.15E+9 seconds
FNAL/SK = (1/1E+4) * (1/1E+3)
*(5E+7/3.15E+9) *(500/22.5)
*(2.23E+14) *(6.0E-7)
POT to seconds Distance
= 4.71
is a results using those factors
Where the black line is signal +
background for delta=135°
and the red line is delta=0°
is the nue
background, purple is the NC background
and blue is the CCnumu background
The integral of the 135° histogram is:1628
The integral of
the 0°
histogram is: 1185
The assumptions are:
= 0.04
2500KtonMW 10^7sec
Atmospheric MC for Super-K
For the plots in the
combined paper, the flux for atmospheric neutrino is given in:
But according to some piece of codes in neut (fxazitest.F and
fxcosztest.F) that was changed to
I think this is true in order to match the cross-section which is given
in cm2 but the stored flux table is still given in m2
Also in the ntuple, I think
that the values for flxh etc are given in m2
In order to sort this out, I will try to reproduce a table from a Honda
--->> Just plotting what's in the ntuple and applying the good
cuts I am usually off by a factor of 10%.
Old calculation
(contains some errors, pointed in purple)
Here are normalization
that have been used in the T2KK analysis:
For signal:
Flux is
given in cm-2 per 1E+21 POT according
to A.Rubbia's webpage
NB: Assuming 1MW beam, 50GeV protons, then 1E+21POT
corresponds to 8E+6 seconds
From hep-ex
0106019 we say 1yr =130days=1.12 E+7 sec for T2K, I assume the same for
In T2K the beam
is assumed to be 0.75 MW not 1MW also, it should be 40GeV protons
1E+21POT corresponds to 8.5E+6 sec
are given in 1E-38 cm2 according to
the following plot
The cross-section
in that files already assume the fraction on neutron (protons) in H20
for neutrinos
0.444 is the
fraction of neutrons
0.566 is the
fraction of protons (includint free protons)
Event spectrum
is given in : 1MW
1Mt 1yr so the conversion factor from the flux*xsec to the event
spectrum should be:
Assuming 1yr =130 days then 1yr
=1.46E+21 POT
We know 1Mton of water = 2.6 E+35
then event
rate= flux * cross section = 1E-38 * 1.46 * 2.6E+35 =3.8 E-3
I am off by a factor
of 1E+5 See updated
version to get factors right
But what we did was normalize the
number of events according to:
* normalize to 1Mtonx1yr
event spectrum (from nunokawa-table)
* kam nue
37148.4 ev/1Mton/1yr (0-1.5GeV)
* kam nueb
10874.8 ev/1Mton/1yr (0-1.5GeV)
* korea nue
2932.3 ev/1Mton/1yr (0-1.5GeV)
* korea nueb
858.4 ev/1Mton/1yr (0-1.5GeV)
* sum in hid 991 in 0-1.5 GeV
7.723114 (OA2.5deg,fluxkorea25_hist.hbk)
* sum in hid 992 in 0-1.5 GeV
add 991 991
201 $eval(2932.3/7.723114) 0 ---->>> =379.68
add 992 992
202 $eval( 858.4/2.708750) 0
NB numbers for Korea are just scale by 12.66 which
the distance ratio squared
This problem
has no consequences because I trust Nunokawa's table but I'd like to
For background: PLENTY OF
For background, we ran on
atmospheric MC and just reweighted by the T2KK flux. We also set
the overall normalization knowing how many events where expect for T2K
at Kamioka for
1MW 1Mt 1yr,
and just rescale by the ratio of the distance squared to get the
normalization in Korea.
Here is Okumura-san's email:
In Ishituka paper, background normalization is adjusted so that
28 events in 350-850MeV for
(0.75x0.0225x5)MwMtonYr and 2.5
degree off-axis beam
so for 1MwMtonYr, 332 events are expected.
please determine normalization so that number of
events in 350-850MeV
become 332 events for 2.5degree off-axis
as for the signal, the normalization I get is correct, but I would like
to try to get it from first principles.
In that case the normalization factor was: ratio*posc*like_weight*0.001180
- where ratio is the ratio of the fluxes, posc is
the oscillation probability, like_weight is the likelihood weight
- where 0.00118 is the normalization factor that I'd
like to reproduce.
For that I need to know the units of the flux and cross section assumed
in T2KK (done same as signal) and in atmospheric neutrino Monte Carlo
(go see section about atmospheric neutrinos MC).
Assuming both cross-sections were the same:
T2KK flux= cm-2
per 1E+21 POT (assume=8E+6 sec for 060923 but becomes 8.5E+6 for 061023)
(GeV-1 binning??)
The steradian is taking care of inside the ntuple, same about the
binning. So to get the correct normalization factore I just have to
take care of the area units and the time units:
So normalization
factor = T2KK/SK = (m2 to cm2) / (1 yr to sec) =
1E+4/(8.5E+6) = 0.0011764
is not exactly perfect but probably close enough.