#!/usr/bin/sh # This Shell script can help you to do PC reduction on data files with a regular # pattern. Also, this is very helpful for using Condor system. Make changes # before you use to match your naming system and directory structure. # # Wei Wang, Sep 2004 echo "starting run $1" echo "ending run $2" count=$1 # Your Perl script, binary and source and target directories. BINDIR=/home/atmpd/pc_red/sk2_may05/bin_sk04a/patcomb BINARY=/home/atmpd/pc_red/sk2_may05/bin_sk04a/patcomb/solaris_sparc/patall WORKDIR=/net/sukul1/atmpd1/fdufour #MCDIR=${WORKDIR}/pat2nd DATADIR=/net/sukatmd1/work20/0609/patrd2 while [ $count -le $2 ]; do # Pattern of the data file names. RUNUM=`echo $count | awk '{str=""}; {if (length($0)<6) for (i=1; i<=6-length($0); i++) str=str"0"}; {print str$0}'` COMMPRT="${DATADIR}/patrd2.run${RUNUM}" FLNUM=`grep run${RUNUM} ${WORKDIR}/allrun.list | wc -l` echo "Run ${RUNUM} has $FLNUM files" if [ ${FLNUM} -ge 1 ]; then num=0 PC4LST=`ls ${COMMPRT}.*` for tgtfile in ${PC4LST}; do echo $tgtfile VOL=`ls -l ${tgtfile} | awk '{print $5}'` if [ ${VOL} -gt 0 ]; then echo ${VOL} FILELIST="${FILELIST} ${tgtfile}" num=`expr ${num} + 1` fi done if [ $num -ge 1 ]; then echo Processing ${FILELIST} # Provide FLAGNAME for MC: 6 digits FLAGNAME=${RUNUM}.001 export FLAGNAME ${BINDIR}/patall.pl 1 0 2 4 ${BINARY} ${WORKDIR}/log ${WORKDIR} LOCAL LOCAL 1 ${FILELIST} > ${WORKDIR}/log/logs/log-pc2.${RUNUM} 2>&1 fi fi count=`expr ${count} + 1` unset FILELIST unset FLNUM done exit