PROGRAM decay_e C ======================================================================== * To run the program, modify to specify the input file. * This simple analysis * (a) opens the input file * (b) loops over all the events * (d) applies a window on the event time * (e) writes out an output file of selected events * The shell is over-commented to also help as an * introduction to FORTRAN. C ======================================================================== C C This states that no variables will be implicitely declared C to be integers or floats. It is a good idea to always do this. C -------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE C C These files have declarations for Super-K variables C kept in COMMON blocks. You can find the files C in a directory such as ~superk/skrep/00b/inc/. C ---------------------------------------------- #include "skparm.h" #include "skhead.h" #include "sktq.h" #include "apmring.h" C C This is for the hbook package: C ------------------------------ INTEGER NWPAWC REAL H PARAMETER (NWPAWC = 10000) COMMON/PAWC/H(NWPAWC) integer lunhbk,icycle C C Here we declared local variables: C --------------------------------- INTEGER LUNIN, LUNOUT INTEGER IEVENT, ISAVED, IERR INTEGER NGTH,SZWIN REAL DISTTH,TIMTH,WINTH logical good_ev integer mixed,mode real mode_r DATA LUNIN /10/ DATA LUNOUT/20/ C C This is end of the declaration (setup) section of the program. C What follows are lines of code, executed one at a time. C ======================================================================== ************************************************************************** C Initialization: C --------------- CALL KZINIT CALL SKOPTN('31,30,29,26,25,23,19,18') CALL SKOPENF(LUNIN, 0, 'Z', IERR) CALL SKOPENF(LUNOUT, 0, 'Z', IERR) CALL HLIMIT(-NWPAWC) IEVENT = 0 mixed =0 C C Read time window (format is HOUR MIN-minimum MIN-maximum): C ---------------------------------------------------------- OPEN(44,FILE='threshold.card',FORM='FORMATTED') READ(44,*) DISTTH,TIMTH,WINTH,NGTH,SZWIN CLOSE(44) C C Open histogram file, book histograms: C ------------------------------------- c call hrfile(lunout,'test','N') CALL BOOK_HISTO C C Loop over all events, until the end-of-file. C At the end-of-file, jump to line 1010 C ------------------------------------- DO WHILE (.TRUE.) C C Read in next event: C ------------------- CALL SKREAD(LUNIN,*1010,*1010,*900,*900) 900 CONTINUE C C Print some text to screen: C -------------------------- ************************************************************************ c Calling aprstnbk: * clear commons and read AP bank apnring=0 call apclrall c This 4 is what Ed told me. Need to be checked later on! call aprstbnk(4) write(*,*) '****** WARNING need to check input of aprstbnk ******' *********************************************************************** c From here to next *** line I can do my modifications: write(*,*)'==============================' write(*,*)'Start new event', nevsk good_ev = .false. mode=0 mode_r=0 c write(*,*)'DISTTH',DISTTH,' TIMTH',TIMTH,' WINTH',WINTH call getelectron(DISTTH,TIMTH,WINTH,NGTH, & SZWIN,good_ev,mixed) c call getelectron_b(DISTTH,TIMTH,WINTH,NGTH,good_ev,mixed) if (good_ev) then ISAVED = ISAVED + 1 write(*,*) 'SAVED!!!', nevsk call getinfo_neut(mode) mode_r=mode call HFILL(3,mode_r,-100.0,100.0,0.0) CALL KZWRIT(LUNOUT) c call HFILL(1,isaved,0.0,100.0) else c want to record some info about missed event: call getinfo_neut(mode) mode_r=mode call HF1(2,mode_r,1.) write(*,*)'===mode==', mode endif call HFILL(12,mode_r,-100.0,100.0,1.0) C If event is good, write event to output file: C --------------------------------------------- c IF (NTIMSK(1).EQ.HOURSELECT) THEN c IF ((NTIMSK(2).GE.MINMIN).AND.(NTIMSK(2).LE.MINMAX)) THEN c WRITE(*,77) NRUNSK, NSUBSK, NEVSK, c & NDAYSK(1), NDAYSK(2), NDAYSK(3), c & NTIMSK(1), NTIMSK(2), NTIMSK(3), NTIMSK(4), ' SAVED******'c c c CALL KZWRIT(LUNOUT) c ISAVED = ISAVED + 1 c END IF c END IF ************************************************************************* C C Clear and increment some variables: C ----------------------------------- CALL KZECLR IEVENT = IEVENT + 1 END DO 77 FORMAT(1X,I6,1X,I4,1X,I8,' time = ', & I2.2,'-',I2.2,'-',I2.2,':', & I2.2,':',I2.2,':',I2.2,'.',I2,1X,A) C C Jump here when end-of-file: C --------------------------- 1010 CONTINUE CALL SKCLOSEF(LUNIN) CALL SKCLOSEF(LUNOUT) C C Print out summary information: C ------------------------------ WRITE(*,*) 'Number of events: read=',ievent,' saved=',isaved C C Write out histogram file: C ------------------------- CALL HRPUT(0,'decay_e.hbk','N') WRITE(*,*) 'See decay_e.hbk for histograms' c call hrout(0,icycle,' ') c call hrend('test') C C Program is finished, exit with a brief message: C ----------------------------------------------- STOP 'Decay_e program completed' END SUBROUTINE BOOK_HISTO C ====================================================================== C This subroutine books the histograms. c call HBOOK1(1,'time_saved',100,3100.0,4100.0,0.0) call HBOOK1(1,'delta_saved',100,0.0,2000.0,0.0) c call HBOOK1(4,'time_missed',100,0.0,5000.0,0.0) call HBOOK1(4,'delta_missed',100,0.0,4000.0,0.0) call HBOOK1(2,'mode_missed',201,-100.0,100.0,0.0) call HBOOK1(3,'mode_saved',201,-100.0,100.0,0.0) call HBOOK1(5,'r_missed',100,0.0,2000.0,0.0) call HBOOK1(6,'z_missed',100,0.0,2500.0,0.0) call HBOOK1(7,'dist_missed',100,0.0,5000.0,0.0) call HBOOK1(8,'dist_saved',100,0.0,5000.0,0.0) call HBOOK1(9,'r_pmt_miss',100,0.0,2000.0,0.0) call HBOOK1(10,'z_pmt_miss',100,0.0,2500.0,0.0) call HBOOK1(12,'mode_all',201,-100.0,100.0,0.0) call HBOOK1(13,'ngt',20,0.0,20.0,0.0) call HBOOK1(20,'top all',3,0.0,3.0,0.0) call HBOOK1(21,'top through',3,0.0,3.0,0.0) call HBOOK1(30,'time_cluster',10,1000.0,6000.0,0.0) C ====================================================================== CONTINUE RETURN END