the magic command/parameters to do this directly from a fortran program are :
call set_rflist(20,file_mu,'HPSS05',' ','RPL',' ',' ','recl=5670 status=new',' ',' ')
followed by
call skopenf(20,1,'Z',istat) call kzwrit(20)
in this case file_mu is the name of the file including the full path to the mtl directory.
but if you have already generated these files and they exist on disk somewhere then you can use the unix cp command or the hpssput command or "hsi put" command. first you need to create the directory on the mtl where you want to store these files.
To access mtl files, you need to be logged on a sukop machine.

To use hpssput the order of the arguments are the opposite as for cp:
to copy a whole bunch of files on hpss do:
hpssput /mtl/usr/fdufour/ name.file

Also for stuff on the MTL disk, * does not mean all... therefore to get a whole bunch of files from mtl to suketto
you can use the following script:

Before that you should just create a list of the files you want to get, doing a hpssls