Here a few trick that I gathered when using PAW

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Table of contents:

Setting parameters (for presentation and paper)
Multiply a histogram by a function
Rebin a histogram
Manipulate variable inside ntuple with fortran code
Dump hbook file to a text file 
Read vector from a file and put it in a histogram 
Write exponent, index and greek letters in paw
Writing legend
Using hbook function
Example of comis routine (very messy) (Check Ed's wiki for use for sigma and aerror for easier way to do the same thing)

Setting parameters:

In order to have good setting for a presentation do:

*opt grid

opt zfl1
opt nbox
set vfon -20
set vsiz 0.45
set hwid 5
set fwid 3
set xmgl 3
set ymgu 3
set txfp -20
set chhe 0.5
set tsiz 0.5
set tfon -20
set mtyp 20
set mscf 0.5
set ksiz 0.5
set gsiz 0.6
set gfon -20
set asiz 0.4
set lfon -20
set xlab 2

set *fon -20

vfon     -->     axis label font (-20 = bold times)
vsiz      -->     axis lable size
hwid    -->     histogram line width
fwid     -->     function line width
xmgl    -->     distance to margins
txfp      -->     legend font (-20 = bold times)
chhe     -->     legend size
tfon      -->     plot title font (-20 = bold times)
tsiz       -->     plot title size
mtyp    -->     marker type (big full circle)
mscf    -->     marker size (0.2 compare to the big default one) NB mtyp need to be different than 1 (default) 
ksiz     -->     marker siz for 1-D histograms
xlab    -->     Put the label a little bit away from the plot

For a good setting for a paper use setup_paper.kumac

How to multiply a histogram by a function:

hi/file 1 name.hbk
fun1 555 prob.f 200 0 10
h/op/mult 555 300 23
h/pl 23

Warning: the order of the number after h/op/mult matters!

How to rebin a histogram

If you need to rebin into a smaller number of bins: click on the title!

If you need to rebin to a bigger number of bins than the original number, you need to use a little fortran program, to fit a function etc:
    - first dump the histogram to a file (using that)
    - then use the following program to fit the function, and create a new histogram. (NB here is also the Makefile to go with it)
    - MAKE SURE TO CHECK YOUR RESULTS   this is not a fool-proof method!

How to run a little fortran code using the values store inside an ntuple:

First create the "backbone" of your code doing

nt/uwfunc 26 name.f

where 26 is the id of the histogram.

This generate a file name.f in which you can write your code.
Make sure that the file name.f is in the directory from which you will be running PAW.

Then if you want to just plot the result of your function you can do:

1d 999 'test' 50 0 10

nt/proj 999 1.muedcy.f
h/pl 999

And if you want to cut on the value of this function you can do:
(NB: you need to have done something else with the function before (like plotting it)
otherwise the vairable is not defined.)

nt/pl 1.evis muedcy=0.

Write exponent, index and greek letters in paw

In order to write exponent and index and greek letter use the following format:

title 'Inverted, sin^2![q]?13!=0.01'

Greek letters:
[q] =theta
[p] =pi

Just try... it should be easy..

For table of special caracters just go there

NB you'll see the results only when you save the plot to an eps file, not on the PAW plot display itself.

Writing legend

This is really easy, just do

set txci 1; itx 42 0.034 'SK2 with PC2'
set txci 2; itx 42 0.032 'SK3 with PC2'

Where txci set the color, 42 is the x coordinate (in the system of your plot), 0.034 the y coordinate, and then the legend itself.
It is good practice to always label your plot with the good color coding and it doesn't take so much more time.

If I want to have a little line (or box or whatever) in front of the text then it is better to use the key command (careful it work only
with version of paw higher than 2.07)

For a line it works like that:

key x y ltyp 'text' width L=line

For example:
set lwid 3
key 0.01 0.4 3 '2[s] Normal hierarchy' ! L
set lwid 7
key 0.01 0.35 3 '3[s] Normal hierarchy' ! L
set lwid 3
key 0.01 0.3 4 '2[s] Inverted hierarchy' ! L
set lwid 7
key 0.01 0.25 4 '3[s] Inverted hierarchy' ! L

For more information fo check the paw webpage

Using hbook function inside paw

Some hbook function  do not work under some PAW version.

"hx" does not work if CERN_LEVEL 2003
therefore to use it do a:  SETENV CERN_LEVEL 2001