Oscillation Analysis
Current Work:
In order to test
normalization stuff I made a few plots:
(all for normal hierarchy (sin^2 (2th13)=0.01)
is usual one where I used -MC method for beam nue
T2K method for overall BG normalization
Here is usual one where I
used -MC method for beam nue background
normalization for overall BG computed from 1st principles
(This factor is 2.8 smaller than
the T2K number
explained over there)
Here is usual one where I
used -Spectrum method for nue background
(spectrum method for nue
background is kind of described
over there on Nov10th
2006, but I'll do a better job soon)
-and normalization for overall BG
computed from 1st principles
For comparision here
is the FNAL plot for the same oscillation parameter.
Finally here is a plot to
just compare the two way of dealing with the beam nue background.
I know the color labelling is wrong for the beam nue using MC method,
but here it is:
small beam nue = MC method (label should be green)
big beam nue =Spectrum method
to run oscillation code:
First is Okumura-san README file (with some
of my modfications)
Spectrum plots:
Black dots: signal with detector effect
Red line: signal without detector effect
Green: Background beam nu_e
Purple: Background NC
Blue: Bakcround mis-ID nu_mu
Here is a plot which show the how the signal change when I include
detector effects:
(energy smearing and likelihood efficiency)
Red= without detector effect, Black= with
Spectrum without detector effects:
I also made a plot for 2.5 OA sin^2(2th13)=0.1 but delta=0
Contour plots:
Black=Kamkioka only
Red=Kam+Kor OA1
Green=Kam+Kor OA15
Blue=Kam+Kor OA2
Yellow=Kam+Kor OA2.5
Bug found on August 22nd, background was overestimated for Kamioka for
small OA.