Data acquisition with qbread
The program and its associated files are located on neutrino in /work/jlraaf/qbread
Copy the entire directory to your working area, since the program will
need to be able to write data files in that directory. If you
need to modify the program at any point, recompile with imake_boot and make exec.
neutrino:/work/jlraaf/qbread> ./qbread --help
option help
usage: ./qbread [ options ]
--dummy-only dummy data mode without checking contents
--rawtdc set output dataformat to rawtdc
--help this help menu
--ip <IP address> DB IP address
set output mode w/output file 'qbread.dat'
-d debug mode
-c check transfer rate continuously
-h help
--dummy-check dummy data mode with checking contents
--latency latency measure mode
--chksort check event sort mode
--tdcreset tdcreset check mode
--discri <mV> set discriminator threshold in mV (default -0.63)
--stop <sec> stop measurement after <sec> seconds
--ana online analysis mode
--output <filename> set output mode and output filename
--discri-gain <1,2,8> set discriminator gain to 1, 1/2, 1/8
--discri-range <0,1,2> set discriminator range to 0(S), 1(M), 2(L)
A typical configuration I use is:
./qbread -c -o --ip --stop 2 --discri -1.0
This will set the discriminator threshold to -1.0 mV and run the
program for 2 seconds, writing output to the file qbread.dat.
Don't forget to rename the output file to something else if you
want to save it! (But beware... you can easily fill up lots of disk
space this way).
Here's how the --discri-gain and --discri-range options work:
--discri |
--discri-gain |
--discri-range |
threshold (mV) |
-1.5 |
1 |
0 |
-1.5 |
-1.5 |
2 |
0 |
-3.0 |
-1.5 |
8 |
0 |
-12.0 |
-1.5 |
1 |
1 |
-10.5 |
-1.5 |
2 |
1 |
-21.0 |
-1.5 |
1 |
2 |
-73.5 |
I never had to use --discri-range, so I'm not sure if it works as advertised.