June 2002,
trip report for SK rebuilding (from BU crew of Ed, Jim, & Chris).
An example of the new PMT covering: fiberglas shell in back,
clear acrylic dome in front. Apparently there was a mishap where in the
molding process, a residue of material not transparent to UV was left on
the acrylic. Some number of domes have to be remade. |
Our Japanese colleagues working on the inner PMT preparation
assembly line. |
Students at work on top outer detector tubes and Tyvek. |
We needed new pipes for attaching the Tyvek. Finding a vendor was an
adventure starting at a local home store, going to a commercial supplier
(who did indeed deliver these to the mine entrance), and even after the
mission was accomplished, we ended up 'discovering' the holy grail of
hardware stores- comparable to Tsukuba's famous Joyful Honda.
The ropes were a little too loose and the driving was a little
to fast. |
Mission #2 to the hatrdware store (Musashi) required bringing
back three stainless steel pipes each 4 meters long. That's a little too
long for our car, but Jim takes a stab at modifying the back seat. (In the
end we lashed them to the side). |
Chris and Jim on the floating floor inside the inner detector. |
Yes, the ladder down is hanging by ropes.
Reference shot of the front of an OD PMT. |
Reference shot of the back of an OD PMT. |
We went to Kamioka for dinner and ran into Ohtsubo-san. She
sent us to a new (for us) restaurant with an okonomoyaki variant called
manjoyaki. |
A lot of the effort revolved around designing a setup to align
and hoist 3 panels of 1-meter wide Tyvek (the widest we could procure in
Japan). |
At the hardware store, you can also buy pet giant beetles. |
Since the top of the tank is practically inaccessible, we
are hanging the new Tyvek starting a few meters down. After much debate
on how to accomplish this, we bit the bullet and asked (paid for) Mitsui
to weld new brackets. |
Then we extended the old Tyvek, suitably cutoff, and wired
it in place. Here is the final installation, ready for new rolls to hang
down sometime in September. |
Outside the tunnel, Hank and crew took apart the Radon Hut.
It will be replaced with a simpler scheme drawing fresh air from far away
from the tunnel entrance (now that the landowner has agreed). Here is Hank
in some snappy painting gear. |
Chris wants to know how this dam, seemingly built out of wood
planks, can possibly hold up. Well, it is leaking quite a bit... |