CALMOD ERP new constants
Tue, 30 Jun 1998 12:26:06 +0200

Ciao ERP users,

New copius production of calibration constants consists of the following
reference run #s:

15236, 15269, 15301, 15342, 15414, 15451, 15483, 15518, 15552, 15582,
15615, 15647, 15677, 15712, 15743, 15773, 15804, 15839, 15878, 15914,
15948, 15981

For the first runs I have had the precious Yannis help.

These should cover runs up to 16014, 24-JUN-1998.
Please get the corresponding xxxxx.KUMAC file from
DISK$SCRAUSA4:[MACROCAL.OUT.NEW] or the .DB (+ STEER) files from

Associated xxxxx.PS and xxxxx.RZ files are on DISK$SCRAUSA5:[MACROCAL.SCRATCH]
(runs 15236 -> 15552) and DISK$SCRAUSA4:[MACROCAL.SCRATCH](runs 15582 -> 15981).
I suggest to delete these last files as soon as possible.

Since reference run 15236 the muon code has been changed because Yannis found
a bug related to south face. Now the constants are good for south face too
and I pray you to have a look to this size of MACRO if it is possible.
J. Musser has found another bug too, regarding presentation of beta vs box:
a bad SM numeration puts North face on SM1, but, obviously, this doesn't
influence data quality. In addition he has added a set of new plots showing
interERP beta vs box and interERP velocity distributions for each SM.
In the next calibration data processing I'll use this last muon code version.

Now I would like to present some my comments. I don't want to bore someone,
so I have compiled a detailed summary of comments for interested people in

--- LED ---

- There are the same boxes impossible to calibrate in TDC slope fit,
due to a large jitter: 1E02-0A/0D, 3B07-1A, 4B02-0A, 6S05-0A/0D, etc...
maybe for low-light LEDs.

- During calibrations on uVax2, I sometimes find 1 or 2 hits on SM6 and
SM9 in AREF pedestal calculation -> Is it a code problem?

- In last LED/TDC calibration (reference run 15981) we have used the
spare VME uVax (MVMA10) for talking to the pulsers: calibration data
are very good.

--- MUONS ---

- Regardin muons, I think the data are quite good for the whole detector.
In reference run 15451 there were no muon_cal_messages in confirmation
of very good data quality (..or very bad?..)

- From reference run 15677 up to reference run 15981 interERP pair 6 has
not events for a flaky TDC channel. Now it works fine.

- I have not updated CALMOD for muons in reference run 15914 because a
sample and hold (5T05,5T06,5T07,5T08) was broken -> rubbish data

Excuse me for mail length but we have a lot of runs processed.
Now, I rely on my weekly calibration constants production and, obviously,
I'll advise you everytime.

I'm at your disposal for questions, suggestions and comments. I intend
to update the official .DB only when you are sure on calibration quality.

Ciao a tutti,

Nicola Zaccheo