last burst

Kate Scholberg (
Mon, 19 Jun 1995 14:20:32 +0200 (DFT)

> The last two bursts (really the same one as seen in single and combined
> searches) is quite similar to Saturday's. Ie, one over threshold, with not all
> the SM's reporting in, in the one second window. One of the events in this
> burst is also over 80MeV, which is further suspicious.

Yes, probably a similar situation -- most likely unvetoed inter-SM muons
which get vetoed as more SM's read out.

> What bothers me more is the fact that in both cases, the run ended right after
> the alarm, at less than 1.5 hours in the run. Could this be an end of the run
> ERPGC readout related problem somehow?

I don't think so... runs have been only about 1.3 hours long lately since
the waveforms were added to the acquisition. Probably a coincidence.
Anyway end of run buffers are not yet included in the burst search.

> Also, SM#3 and SM#1 are both running rather large ERPGC trigger rates (this
> last burst came from SM#3). Could you on site lut people please take a
> gander at the LUTs for these SMs?

Yaaahh, my fault probably. I've been doing a lot of LUT twiddling
and experimentation lately,
and things are not in an optimum state right now. I promise that they
will be in much better shape by the time I leave.
