Post-run analysis on 10236 burst: 2 of the 4 hits coincident with S face

Tue, 20 Jun 1995 0:45:33 +0200 (WET-DST)

A quick post-run analysis cuts 2 of the monitor's muons because they are
coincident with south face hits. As much of a pain as the end faces are,
they can sometimes be useful. :) The two remaining hits are a 40 MEV
event in 6T17, probably a corner clipper, and a 6T07 hit where I get a TDCZ
error, but the monitor doesn't. We really need to get the calibration
constants up to date both inside and outside the tunnel.


Coincident with 6S04:
1 657 512 0.0000 61.78 -225.29 0 *
1 512 0.000000 61.06 -221.40
61.36 -200.34 >1 Box
2 550 0.000000 89.31 -326.41
87.54 -412.88 >1 Box
Kept single box muon in 6T17:
2 658 570 0.0134 39.27 10.20 0 *
3 570 0.013379 40.11 8.86
40.02 38.76 *Kept*
I get a TDCZ error, 6T07:
7 663 560 1.0593 18.80 -225.04 0 *
16 560 1.059257 14.76 2537.89
13.60 106.45 TDCZ
Again, coincident with 6S04:
8 664 515 1.1180 46.13 278.45 0 *
18 550 1.117989 110.74 381.80
103.95 547.05 >1 Box
19 515 1.117989 47.24 265.25
47.60 235.28 >1 Box