By the way, someone please turn down box number 44! This almost triggered the
spark catcher.
Run Number 10366
Event Number 3256
Number of bursts found 1
Burst Number: 1
Time Window: 20 seconds
Total number of hits in the time interval: 78
Number of hits passing all cuts: 8
Background rate: 5.0390501E-02
Multiplicity threshold: 7
Poisson probability: 9.6343383E-06 5
ERP clock time (UT-corrected) of first hit in burst: 5259.1678
Julian Day of first hit in burst: 2449899.932843034
UT time of first hit in burst: 31-06-1995 11:23:17.6381007
Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position
1 281 44 0.0000 80.17 294.86
14 294 27 2.4679 14.24 -443.26
21 301 73 4.4367 10.14 310.31
27 307 55 5.9391 12.85 454.75
52 332 37 12.6199 10.25 222.75
53 333 59 12.9228 13.82 -173.74
71 351 64 16.3369 10.42 267.30
78 358 61 17.4501 12.70 513.37
All hits during the time window of the burst:
Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type Cut
1 281 44 0.0000 80.17 294.86 0
2 282 31 0.2795 11.12 529.49 2 *
3 283 18 0.3377 5.66 -722.58 2 *
4 284 44 0.7781 5.37 -324.07 2 *
5 285 73 0.8986 6.72 393.80 2 *
6 286 44 1.1391 5.74 162.99 2 *
7 287 44 1.5311 5.40 -1038.45 2 *
8 288 66 1.5652 14.00 88.39 2 *
9 289 5 1.8215 28.90 24.60 0 *
10 290 31 1.8215 88.15 -97.58 0 *
11 291 4 1.8215 33.19 16.88 0 *
12 292 44 2.1134 8.38 44.22 2 *
13 293 73 2.2843 7.43 -110.25 2 *
14 294 27 2.4679 14.24 -443.26 0
15 295 44 2.7109 7.20 -187.45 2 *
16 296 44 2.7131 4.06 1346.44 2 *
17 297 44 2.8976 3.22 7.69 2 *
18 298 44 2.9507 5.11 354.28 2 *
19 299 44 3.4501 7.40 -297.57 2 *
20 300 74 4.1565 36.14 -471.11 2 *
21 301 73 4.4367 10.14 310.31 0
22 302 34 4.7237 4.80 910.12 2 *
23 303 73 4.7595 6.80 -152.96 2 *
24 304 44 5.6224 2.31 -571.72 2 *
25 305 44 5.7929 40.51 -135.83 2 *
26 306 44 5.9173 33.08 18.72 2 *
27 307 55 5.9391 12.85 454.75 0
28 308 73 6.5129 8.78 1305.50 2 *
29 309 44 6.5443 5.35 367.27 2 *
30 310 16 6.6131 5.21 116.78 2 *
31 311 44 6.7133 10.57 -277.64 2 *
32 312 44 6.7787 53.16 133.71 2 *
33 313 55 6.9565 2.69 -559.09 2 *
34 314 44 7.1079 5.50 1630.85 2 *
35 315 56 7.1609 8.56 1592.75 2 *
36 316 73 7.1726 8.93 -139.89 2 *
37 317 64 7.5431 7.74 -115.44 0 *
38 318 58 7.9388 6.09 111.46 2 *
39 319 66 8.1152 5.04 266.94 2 *
40 320 57 8.4535 13.50 142.30 2 *
41 321 44 9.1003 6.30 67.34 2 *
42 322 44 9.1262 6.97 -54.32 2 *
43 323 44 9.1486 5.71 1489.66 2 *
44 324 44 9.5768 3.51 -1085.52 2 *
45 325 34 9.7036 3.99 -411.51 2 *
46 326 44 10.1490 5.73 71.32 2 *
47 327 44 10.1692 50.03 232.80 2 *
48 328 65 10.2303 45.28 -524.88 2 *
49 329 44 11.2103 8.22 239.61 2 *
50 330 62 11.2517 6.45 108.97 2 *
51 331 70 12.4210 9.15 -257.15 2 *
52 332 37 12.6199 10.25 222.75 0
53 333 59 12.9228 13.82 -173.74 0
54 334 25 13.8180 4.19 -100.60 0 *
55 335 16 13.8779 7.83 -621.91 2 *
56 336 65 13.9496 6.89 -245.45 2 *
57 337 44 14.2523 7.30 -502.87 2 *
58 338 44 14.5017 2.82 -562.28 2 *
59 339 18 14.5808 4.67 -101.24 0 *
60 340 1 14.6952 5.44 -229.10 0 *
61 341 44 14.7199 110.89 -915.60 2 *
62 342 73 14.7252 10.50 508.70 2 *
63 343 15 14.9225 40.79 118.72 0 *
64 344 32 14.9225 71.32 408.15 0 *
65 345 44 15.0218 4.50 -558.38 2 *
66 346 56 15.2845 5.99 137.96 2 *
67 347 44 15.3008 7.09 251.78 2 *
68 348 44 15.4618 6.57 -473.41 2 *
69 349 44 15.5544 7.50 -1765.77 2 *
70 350 13 15.8815 5.26 956.36 2 *
71 351 64 16.3369 10.42 267.30 0
72 352 59 16.3872 12.95 493.61 2 *
73 353 59 16.5096 155.92 1652.94 2 *
74 354 44 16.5419 5.89 502.20 2 *
75 355 73 16.6312 9.31 -261.23 2 *
76 356 31 16.7206 5.59 478.57 2 *
77 357 73 17.4110 4.49 97.75 2 *
78 358 61 17.4501 12.70 513.37 0