Another burst

Alec Habig (
Sat, 1 Jul 1995 05:49:42 -0500 (EST)

Hi again,
This burst is again one over threshold, this time 8 over 7 in 20 sec.
Still one SM. One of the 8 is an 80 MeV event. I'm not excited, particularly
since our other 5 detectors should have reported in in the time it took me to
get this far. Ah well.


By the way, someone please turn down box number 44! This almost triggered the
spark catcher.

Run Number 10366
Event Number 3256
Number of bursts found 1
Burst Number: 1
Time Window: 20 seconds
Total number of hits in the time interval: 78
Number of hits passing all cuts: 8
Background rate: 5.0390501E-02
Multiplicity threshold: 7
Poisson probability: 9.6343383E-06 5

ERP clock time (UT-corrected) of first hit in burst: 5259.1678
Julian Day of first hit in burst: 2449899.932843034
UT time of first hit in burst: 31-06-1995 11:23:17.6381007

Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position
1 281 44 0.0000 80.17 294.86
14 294 27 2.4679 14.24 -443.26
21 301 73 4.4367 10.14 310.31
27 307 55 5.9391 12.85 454.75
52 332 37 12.6199 10.25 222.75
53 333 59 12.9228 13.82 -173.74
71 351 64 16.3369 10.42 267.30
78 358 61 17.4501 12.70 513.37


All hits during the time window of the burst:

Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type Cut
1 281 44 0.0000 80.17 294.86 0
2 282 31 0.2795 11.12 529.49 2 *
3 283 18 0.3377 5.66 -722.58 2 *
4 284 44 0.7781 5.37 -324.07 2 *
5 285 73 0.8986 6.72 393.80 2 *
6 286 44 1.1391 5.74 162.99 2 *
7 287 44 1.5311 5.40 -1038.45 2 *
8 288 66 1.5652 14.00 88.39 2 *
9 289 5 1.8215 28.90 24.60 0 *
10 290 31 1.8215 88.15 -97.58 0 *
11 291 4 1.8215 33.19 16.88 0 *
12 292 44 2.1134 8.38 44.22 2 *
13 293 73 2.2843 7.43 -110.25 2 *
14 294 27 2.4679 14.24 -443.26 0
15 295 44 2.7109 7.20 -187.45 2 *
16 296 44 2.7131 4.06 1346.44 2 *
17 297 44 2.8976 3.22 7.69 2 *
18 298 44 2.9507 5.11 354.28 2 *
19 299 44 3.4501 7.40 -297.57 2 *
20 300 74 4.1565 36.14 -471.11 2 *
21 301 73 4.4367 10.14 310.31 0
22 302 34 4.7237 4.80 910.12 2 *
23 303 73 4.7595 6.80 -152.96 2 *
24 304 44 5.6224 2.31 -571.72 2 *
25 305 44 5.7929 40.51 -135.83 2 *
26 306 44 5.9173 33.08 18.72 2 *
27 307 55 5.9391 12.85 454.75 0
28 308 73 6.5129 8.78 1305.50 2 *
29 309 44 6.5443 5.35 367.27 2 *
30 310 16 6.6131 5.21 116.78 2 *
31 311 44 6.7133 10.57 -277.64 2 *
32 312 44 6.7787 53.16 133.71 2 *
33 313 55 6.9565 2.69 -559.09 2 *
34 314 44 7.1079 5.50 1630.85 2 *
35 315 56 7.1609 8.56 1592.75 2 *
36 316 73 7.1726 8.93 -139.89 2 *
37 317 64 7.5431 7.74 -115.44 0 *
38 318 58 7.9388 6.09 111.46 2 *
39 319 66 8.1152 5.04 266.94 2 *
40 320 57 8.4535 13.50 142.30 2 *
41 321 44 9.1003 6.30 67.34 2 *
42 322 44 9.1262 6.97 -54.32 2 *
43 323 44 9.1486 5.71 1489.66 2 *
44 324 44 9.5768 3.51 -1085.52 2 *
45 325 34 9.7036 3.99 -411.51 2 *
46 326 44 10.1490 5.73 71.32 2 *
47 327 44 10.1692 50.03 232.80 2 *
48 328 65 10.2303 45.28 -524.88 2 *
49 329 44 11.2103 8.22 239.61 2 *
50 330 62 11.2517 6.45 108.97 2 *
51 331 70 12.4210 9.15 -257.15 2 *
52 332 37 12.6199 10.25 222.75 0
53 333 59 12.9228 13.82 -173.74 0
54 334 25 13.8180 4.19 -100.60 0 *
55 335 16 13.8779 7.83 -621.91 2 *
56 336 65 13.9496 6.89 -245.45 2 *
57 337 44 14.2523 7.30 -502.87 2 *
58 338 44 14.5017 2.82 -562.28 2 *
59 339 18 14.5808 4.67 -101.24 0 *
60 340 1 14.6952 5.44 -229.10 0 *
61 341 44 14.7199 110.89 -915.60 2 *
62 342 73 14.7252 10.50 508.70 2 *
63 343 15 14.9225 40.79 118.72 0 *
64 344 32 14.9225 71.32 408.15 0 *
65 345 44 15.0218 4.50 -558.38 2 *
66 346 56 15.2845 5.99 137.96 2 *
67 347 44 15.3008 7.09 251.78 2 *
68 348 44 15.4618 6.57 -473.41 2 *
69 349 44 15.5544 7.50 -1765.77 2 *
70 350 13 15.8815 5.26 956.36 2 *
71 351 64 16.3369 10.42 267.30 0
72 352 59 16.3872 12.95 493.61 2 *
73 353 59 16.5096 155.92 1652.94 2 *
74 354 44 16.5419 5.89 502.20 2 *
75 355 73 16.6312 9.31 -261.23 2 *
76 356 31 16.7206 5.59 478.57 2 *
77 357 73 17.4110 4.49 97.75 2 *
78 358 61 17.4501 12.70 513.37 0