Burst description

Alec Habig (ahabig@bigbang.astro.indiana.edu)
Sun, 9 Jul 1995 20:38:29 -0500 (EST)

Box 35 (1E03) very nearly triggered the spark watcher on this one. Also, note
that box 44 (1W05) proves about 1/3 of all hits on SM1, but they get cut - this
looks like a LUT problem.


Run Number 10443
Event Number 1847
Number of bursts found 3
Burst Number: 1
Time Window: 8 seconds
Total number of hits in the time interval: 29
Number of hits passing all cuts: 8
Background rate: 7.1495600E-02
Multiplicity threshold: 7
Poisson probability: 1.6033637E-07 7

ERP clock time (UT-corrected) of first hit in burst: 3480.3038
Julian Day of first hit in burst: 2449908.553059254
UT time of first hit in burst: 10-07-1995 02:16:24.3195771

Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position
1 260 70 0.0000 43.44 521.17
17 276 35 4.4958 18.67 322.90
18 277 35 4.5164 30.12 375.98
19 278 35 4.5394 39.20 363.90
20 279 35 4.5437 21.34 339.54
23 282 67 5.5022 14.77 470.31
28 287 67 6.5524 11.94 -264.02
29 288 74 6.5653 84.98 295.21


All hits during the time window of the burst:

Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type Cut
1 260 70 0.0000 43.44 521.17 0
2 261 44 0.3161 9.64 -8.35 2 *
3 262 74 0.9232 5.57 -18.26 2 *
4 263 44 0.9299 5.34 -1343.84 2 *
5 264 44 1.0900 38.01 -455.50 2 *
6 265 64 1.7758 5.47 -39.63 0 *
7 266 44 1.9853 7.67 -49.96 2 *
8 267 63 2.0774 68.34 -355.41 2 *
9 268 44 2.1112 6.89 -105.62 2 *
10 269 44 2.2189 5.13 -105.85 2 *
11 270 16 2.5044 5.47 85.74 2 *
12 271 81 2.7174 7.72 -461.02 2 *
13 272 44 2.7741 7.80 -307.28 2 *
14 273 4 3.2577 6.99 -332.17 0 *
15 274 44 3.4733 5.42 -128.32 2 *
16 275 74 4.0364 7.55 -331.76 2 *
17 276 35 4.4958 18.67 322.90 0
18 277 35 4.5164 30.12 375.98 0
19 278 35 4.5394 39.20 363.90 0
20 279 35 4.5437 21.34 339.54 0
21 280 61 4.5483 36.15 269.96 2 *
22 281 59 5.1305 6.19 -323.66 2 *
23 282 67 5.5022 14.77 470.31 0
24 283 44 6.0291 5.93 -71.91 2 *
25 284 34 6.0621 8.00 -518.36 0 *
26 285 44 6.0794 208.95 883.44 2 *
27 286 44 6.1511 146.67 431.92 2 *
28 287 67 6.5524 11.94 -264.02 0
29 288 74 6.5653 84.98 295.21 0
Burst Number: 2
Time Window: 8 seconds
Total number of hits in the time interval: 32
Number of hits passing all cuts: 8
Background rate: 7.1495600E-02
Multiplicity threshold: 7
Poisson probability: 1.6033637E-07 7

ERP clock time (UT-corrected) of first hit in burst: 3484.7996
Julian Day of first hit in burst: 2449908.553111289
UT time of first hit in burst: 10-07-1995 02:16:28.8153936

Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position
1 276 35 0.0000 18.67 322.90
2 277 35 0.0206 30.12 375.98
3 278 35 0.0436 39.20 363.90
4 279 35 0.0478 21.34 339.54
7 282 67 1.0064 14.77 470.31
12 287 67 2.0566 11.94 -264.02
13 288 74 2.0695 84.98 295.21
32 307 56 7.2897 53.65 82.44


All hits during the time window of the burst:

Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type Cut
1 276 35 0.0000 18.67 322.90 0
2 277 35 0.0206 30.12 375.98 0
3 278 35 0.0436 39.20 363.90 0
4 279 35 0.0478 21.34 339.54 0
5 280 61 0.0525 36.15 269.96 2 *
6 281 59 0.6347 6.19 -323.66 2 *
7 282 67 1.0064 14.77 470.31 0
8 283 44 1.5333 5.93 -71.91 2 *
9 284 34 1.5663 8.00 -518.36 0 *
10 285 44 1.5836 208.95 883.44 2 *
11 286 44 1.6553 146.67 431.92 2 *
12 287 67 2.0566 11.94 -264.02 0
13 288 74 2.0695 84.98 295.21 0
14 289 44 2.4825 10.25 414.04 2 *
15 290 73 2.8654 6.57 452.90 2 *
16 291 5 2.9122 5.02 23.27 0 *
17 292 44 2.9168 13.74 -647.29 2 *
18 293 44 3.2362 3.47 -15.35 2 *
19 294 46 3.4064 5.05 -102.80 2 *
20 295 44 3.4611 7.24 -1114.91 2 *
21 296 44 3.4932 78.64 -228.09 2 *
22 297 57 3.7559 75.20 -1295.52 2 *
23 298 56 4.7943 7.88 -147.80 0 *
24 299 59 5.4590 42.40 -540.03 2 *
25 300 73 5.6251 8.21 389.84 2 *
26 301 44 6.0707 7.84 474.33 2 *
27 302 44 6.2412 6.03 355.32 2 *
28 303 44 6.2515 5.22 46.67 2 *
29 304 44 6.3016 6.71 237.09 2 *
30 305 73 6.3641 8.77 675.90 2 *
31 306 62 6.4932 5.21 1390.81 2 *
32 307 56 7.2897 53.65 82.44 0
Burst Number: 3
Time Window: 20 seconds
Total number of hits in the time interval: 73
Number of hits passing all cuts: 11
Background rate: 7.1495600E-02
Multiplicity threshold: 10
Poisson probability: 3.0636758E-07 7

ERP clock time (UT-corrected) of first hit in burst: 3474.3235
Julian Day of first hit in burst: 2449908.552990038
UT time of first hit in burst: 10-07-1995 02:16:18.3393189

Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position
1 235 55 0.0000 13.65 -18.65
11 245 55 2.2319 36.66 548.34
26 260 70 5.9803 43.44 521.17
42 276 35 10.4761 18.67 322.90
43 277 35 10.4967 30.12 375.98
44 278 35 10.5197 39.20 363.90
45 279 35 10.5239 21.34 339.54
48 282 67 11.4825 14.77 470.31
53 287 67 12.5327 11.94 -264.02
54 288 74 12.5456 84.98 295.21
73 307 56 17.7658 53.65 82.44


All hits during the time window of the burst:

Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type Cut
1 235 55 0.0000 13.65 -18.65 0
2 236 44 0.1844 7.34 360.77 2 *
3 237 44 0.2451 45.49 779.24 2 *
4 238 74 0.5930 5.43 -117.04 2 *
5 239 71 0.9099 7.90 -1748.29 2 *
6 240 68 1.1862 6.20 -896.30 2 *
7 241 55 1.2413 4.90 117.90 2 *
8 242 44 1.6437 6.90 313.65 2 *
9 243 3 1.7683 7.28 -1729.76 2 *
10 244 65 2.1015 5.84 92.79 2 *
11 245 55 2.2319 36.66 548.34 0
12 246 44 2.2662 6.87 -123.92 2 *
13 247 74 2.8384 6.22 182.74 2 *
14 248 57 3.2608 7.34 -782.64 2 *
15 249 34 3.6978 19.31 466.89 2 *
16 250 44 4.1912 33.76 485.25 2 *
17 251 65 4.5192 4.57 -488.81 2 *
18 252 44 4.8940 7.23 1374.16 2 *
19 253 26 4.9368 5.58 271.54 0 *
20 254 23 4.9643 7.25 -660.18 2 *
21 255 62 5.2932 6.98 280.89 2 *
22 256 81 5.3710 7.06 473.22 2 *
23 257 22 5.6788 5.19 91.15 2 *
24 258 73 5.7390 7.52 475.75 2 *
25 259 22 5.8205 9.73 -727.88 2 *
26 260 70 5.9803 43.44 521.17 0
27 261 44 6.2964 9.64 -8.35 2 *
28 262 74 6.9034 5.57 -18.26 2 *
29 263 44 6.9101 5.34 -1343.84 2 *
30 264 44 7.0703 38.01 -455.50 2 *
31 265 64 7.7561 5.47 -39.63 0 *
32 266 44 7.9656 7.67 -49.96 2 *
33 267 63 8.0576 68.34 -355.41 2 *
34 268 44 8.0915 6.89 -105.62 2 *
35 269 44 8.1992 5.13 -105.85 2 *
36 270 16 8.4846 5.47 85.74 2 *
37 271 81 8.6977 7.72 -461.02 2 *
38 272 44 8.7543 7.80 -307.28 2 *
39 273 4 9.2379 6.99 -332.17 0 *
40 274 44 9.4535 5.42 -128.32 2 *
41 275 74 10.0167 7.55 -331.76 2 *
42 276 35 10.4761 18.67 322.90 0
43 277 35 10.4967 30.12 375.98 0
44 278 35 10.5197 39.20 363.90 0
45 279 35 10.5239 21.34 339.54 0
46 280 61 10.5286 36.15 269.96 2 *
47 281 59 11.1108 6.19 -323.66 2 *
48 282 67 11.4825 14.77 470.31 0
49 283 44 12.0094 5.93 -71.91 2 *
50 284 34 12.0424 8.00 -518.36 0 *
51 285 44 12.0597 208.95 883.44 2 *
52 286 44 12.1313 146.67 431.92 2 *
53 287 67 12.5327 11.94 -264.02 0
54 288 74 12.5456 84.98 295.21 0
55 289 44 12.9586 10.25 414.04 2 *
56 290 73 13.3415 6.57 452.90 2 *
57 291 5 13.3883 5.02 23.27 0 *
58 292 44 13.3929 13.74 -647.29 2 *
59 293 44 13.7122 3.47 -15.35 2 *
60 294 46 13.8824 5.05 -102.80 2 *
61 295 44 13.9372 7.24 -1114.91 2 *
62 296 44 13.9693 78.64 -228.09 2 *
63 297 57 14.2320 75.20 -1295.52 2 *
64 298 56 15.2704 7.88 -147.80 0 *
65 299 59 15.9351 42.40 -540.03 2 *
66 300 73 16.1012 8.21 389.84 2 *
67 301 44 16.5468 7.84 474.33 2 *
68 302 44 16.7172 6.03 355.32 2 *
69 303 44 16.7276 5.22 46.67 2 *
70 304 44 16.7777 6.71 237.09 2 *
71 305 73 16.8402 8.77 675.90 2 *
72 306 62 16.9693 5.21 1390.81 2 *
73 307 56 17.7658 53.65 82.44 0