A burst

Alec Habig (ahabig@bigbang.astro.indiana.edu)
Fri, 25 Aug 1995 09:49:05 -0500 (EST)

Hi Folks,
One over threshold on one SM only, and one of the hits is at a whopping
180Mev - what on earth (or outside of it) could that be?
Rather an unlikely SN candidate at any rate.

Run Number 10771
Event Number 6142
Number of bursts found 1
Burst Number: 1
Time Window: 8 seconds
Total number of hits in the time interval: 20
Number of hits passing all cuts: 6
Background rate: 2.9920163E-02
Multiplicity threshold: 5
Poisson probability: 2.0560678E-07 7

ERP clock time (UT-corrected) of first hit in burst: 11122.8133
Julian Day of first hit in burst: 2449955.010844083
UT time of first hit in burst: 25-08-1995 13:15:36.9288096

Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position
1 350 210 0.0000 12.22 87.24
4 353 210 1.5773 14.81 -131.28
6 355 203 2.7189 10.72 -126.38
7 356 271 3.2730 180.49 170.83
9 358 203 6.0976 12.51 -158.34
20 369 203 7.5642 11.40 357.92


All hits during the time window of the burst:

Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type Cut
1 350 210 0.0000 12.22 87.24 0
2 351 206 0.8258 6.17 365.74 0 *
3 352 258 1.2762 6.27 344.83 2 *
4 353 210 1.5773 14.81 -131.28 0
5 354 229 2.3673 5.29 -223.75 0 *
6 355 203 2.7189 10.72 -126.38 0
7 356 271 3.2730 180.49 170.83 0
8 357 228 4.4151 8.09 510.68 0 *
9 358 203 6.0976 12.51 -158.34 0
10 359 225 6.4402 6.00 -243.27 2 *
11 360 220 6.6436 51.03 -399.43 0 *
12 361 221 6.6436 94.30 -403.19 0 *
13 362 298 6.6436 169.95 207.08 1 *
14 363 258 6.6436 121.80 -452.19 0 *
15 364 204 6.6436 34.02 -367.49 0 *
16 365 209 6.7049 7.79 1543.56 2 *
17 366 275 6.7822 64.64 -281.45 2 *
18 367 266 6.8958 57.32 -312.44 2 *
19 368 221 7.5320 2.90 -571.97 0 *
20 369 203 7.5642 11.40 357.92 0