Another just-over-threshold not-overwhelmingly-GC-like burst in 2 out
of 6 SMs.
Run Number 11186
Event Number 15732
Number of bursts found 1
Burst Number: 1
Time Window: 6 seconds
Total number of hits in the time interval: 38
Number passing all cuts: 6
SM combination number: 48
Supermodules present for burst search:
SM 1: N SM 2: N SM 3: N SM 4: N SM 5: Y SM 6: Y
Background rate: 2.8130261E-02
Multiplicity threshold: 5
Poisson probability: 2.7121693E-08 8
ERP clock time (UT-corrected) of first hit in burst: 30409.7619
Julian Day of first hit in burst: 2450022.535685427
UT time of first hit in burst: 01-11-1995 00:51:23.2209097
Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type
1 733 459 0.0000 10.80 405.56 8
12 383 513 0.9137 10.32 517.46 8
18 738 414 1.6285 10.19 550.46 8
21 388 568 1.9224 64.87 -114.74 0
22 389 516 2.1043 10.54 352.31 0
38 396 580 5.7041 17.51 77.50 8
All hits during the time window of the burst:
Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type Cut
1 733 459 0.0000 10.80 405.56 8
2 375 524 0.0616 5.04 -520.46 8 *
3 376 556 0.2761 0.00 -648.85 136 *
4 734 465 0.4108 0.00 569.02 128 *
5 377 564 0.5100 5.00 -219.82 8 *
6 735 498 0.6111 0.00 0.00 1 *
7 378 506 0.6121 39.16 -351.57 0 *
8 379 522 0.6121 46.55 -525.37 0 *
9 380 598 0.6121 0.00 0.00 25 *
10 381 571 0.6121 66.61 -228.12 0 *
11 382 572 0.6121 119.71 -214.84 0 *
12 383 513 0.9137 10.32 517.46 8
13 384 577 1.1643 0.00 0.00 24 *
14 736 419 1.1867 8.76 -459.91 0 *
15 385 554 1.2053 0.00 -332.06 264 *
16 737 432 1.4209 0.00 746.36 136 *
17 386 575 1.5447 0.00 -756.57 136 *
18 738 414 1.6285 10.19 550.46 8
19 387 518 1.7432 7.05 -30.88 0 *
20 739 428 1.8430 7.26 -443.92 0 *
21 388 568 1.9224 64.87 -114.74 0
22 389 516 2.1043 10.54 352.31 0
23 740 443 3.3440 4.92 181.99 0 *
24 741 472 3.4117 0.00 1125.77 136 *
25 742 421 3.5486 3.34 406.14 8 *
26 390 580 3.7264 0.00 0.00 24 *
27 743 498 3.8814 0.00 0.00 25 *
28 744 475 3.8814 46.33 -415.75 0 *
29 745 476 3.8814 31.95 -382.99 0 *
30 746 455 3.8814 40.42 -515.88 0 *
31 391 598 3.8824 0.00 0.00 1 *
32 747 419 3.9360 0.00 1356.86 128 *
33 392 575 4.6357 0.00 781.55 136 *
34 393 566 5.2371 0.00 -1680.55 136 *
35 394 570 5.2664 0.00 -1562.25 136 *
36 748 414 5.4884 3.74 -314.03 8 *
37 395 539 5.6686 0.00 757.33 136 *
38 396 580 5.7041 17.51 77.50 8