Re: Burst in run 11204

Kate Scholberg (
Sat, 4 Nov 1995 00:03:45 -0800 (PST)

> This is a somewhat interesting burst since 3 of the 7 hits are high
> energy, but as of now, it is only on one SM. I don't think it merits
> stopping the run, but I'll run my analysis as soon as the run is over.

Well, the fact that the events are quite confined in space pretty
much rules it out. Could be a muon plus nearby slightly delayed junk.

> Btw... the monitor reported this as 2 bursts, although the second burst
> was a subset of the first.

Yes, this is normal for the single-SM search; it reports overlapping
bursts (the combined search "consolidates" and only reports subsequent
overlapping bursts if they have a lower probability than previous ones).
