Another 1-over-threshold, time and energy structure not particularly
convincing. I've turned down the prob. threshold a little since we
suddenly seem to be getting a lot of burstini; I'll check into whether
rates have increased.
Run Number 11220
Event Number 12511
Number of bursts found 2
Burst Number: 1
Time Window: 10 seconds
Total number of hits in the time interval: 97
Number passing all cuts: 10
SM combination number: 54
Supermodules present for burst search:
SM 1: N SM 2: Y SM 3: Y SM 4: N SM 5: Y SM 6: Y
Background rate: 9.5660441E-02
Multiplicity threshold: 9
Poisson probability: 6.7937918E-08 7
ERP clock time (UT-corrected) of first hit in burst: 24578.1486
Julian Day of first hit in burst: 2450029.435234490
UT time of first hit in burst: 07-11-1995 22:26:44.2598979
Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type
1 305 130 0.0000 12.54 -462.45 0
3 306 116 0.2296 55.95 -333.75 0
5 58 207 0.3369 12.17 139.74 0
14 665 509 1.5984 10.27 29.42 0
38 69 226 4.2327 105.11 161.94 16
44 70 263 4.7049 10.01 -70.00 8
47 71 203 4.7718 11.94 -19.93 0
48 440 469 4.7819 10.09 -365.68 0
84 80 203 8.0046 11.18 237.61 0
97 87 203 9.2727 10.31 539.53 0
All hits during the time window of the burst:
Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type Cut
1 305 130 0.0000 12.54 -462.45 0
2 57 262 0.2224 0.00 847.65 136 *
3 306 116 0.2296 55.95 -333.75 0
4 431 417 0.2620 3.21 309.76 8 *
5 58 207 0.3369 12.17 139.74 0
6 663 540 0.3591 0.00 366.49 256 *
7 307 175 0.4237 0.00 704.65 136 *
8 59 275 0.4253 2.47 -14.32 8 *
9 432 414 0.8506 3.89 -43.40 8 *
10 60 254 0.9471 0.00 -1002.59 136 *
11 61 220 0.9557 7.68 -516.35 0 *
12 664 513 1.0995 5.54 17.18 0 *
13 62 212 1.4315 0.00 670.32 136 *
14 665 509 1.5984 10.27 29.42 0
15 433 468 1.8141 5.50 -117.31 0 *
16 63 258 1.8818 0.00 1911.99 136 *
17 666 598 1.9939 0.00 0.00 1 *
18 64 298 1.9940 0.00 0.00 1 *
19 434 498 1.9948 0.00 0.00 1 *
20 435 459 2.1407 0.00 -1839.21 136 *
21 65 237 2.1660 0.00 1068.90 136 *
22 308 172 2.1966 0.00 -1727.27 136 *
23 66 246 2.3403 0.00 0.00 24 *
24 436 427 2.5535 2.79 -201.82 8 *
25 309 179 2.5655 0.00 -669.94 136 *
26 437 420 2.6177 0.00 -342.21 256 *
27 667 572 2.8700 0.00 993.75 136 *
28 668 563 2.9929 0.00 1327.97 136 *
29 67 255 3.1791 0.00 1488.30 136 *
30 310 125 3.3833 0.00 1258.34 128 *
31 669 532 3.5136 4.94 338.69 8 *
32 438 439 3.5652 3.43 -262.43 0 *
33 311 154 3.7837 0.00 -1956.82 136 *
34 312 161 3.9105 0.00 -372.70 264 *
35 670 526 3.9166 4.56 -267.39 8 *
36 313 121 3.9921 9.53 184.72 0 *
37 68 246 4.1104 0.00 0.00 24 *
38 69 226 4.2327 105.11 161.94 16
39 671 566 4.3224 0.00 -1431.93 136 *
40 314 139 4.3758 0.00 0.00 24 *
41 315 101 4.4634 0.00 1103.09 128 *
42 672 566 4.4724 0.00 -945.67 136 *
43 439 437 4.6866 4.73 -488.18 8 *
44 70 263 4.7049 10.01 -70.00 8
45 316 168 4.7151 4.76 35.23 8 *
46 673 513 4.7307 0.00 361.17 264 *
47 71 203 4.7718 11.94 -19.93 0
48 440 469 4.7819 10.09 -365.68 0
49 317 175 4.8501 0.00 647.45 136 *
50 441 407 5.0022 6.35 -359.79 8 *
51 674 506 5.0189 103.64 -225.68 0 *
52 675 598 5.0189 0.00 0.00 25 *
53 676 546 5.0189 0.00 1009.17 128 *
54 442 498 5.0197 0.00 0.00 1 *
55 677 515 5.0710 7.69 -367.53 0 *
56 318 130 5.2166 6.41 240.80 0 *
57 72 254 5.2883 5.16 118.18 8 *
58 73 255 5.3831 4.44 -134.29 8 *
59 678 562 5.4247 8.15 175.35 8 *
60 74 210 5.4327 0.00 0.00 24 *
61 319 175 5.4700 0.00 1177.26 128 *
62 75 262 5.6623 0.00 1676.48 136 *
63 443 436 5.7529 0.00 -738.51 136 *
64 679 581 5.8115 0.00 0.00 24 *
65 680 572 5.8744 0.00 -982.18 136 *
66 320 121 5.9130 8.53 -333.21 0 *
67 444 463 6.3620 5.53 -293.57 8 *
68 445 441 6.4280 0.00 -134.37 264 *
69 76 205 6.6087 7.30 493.08 8 *
70 77 232 6.7568 3.99 -435.98 8 *
71 446 433 6.9088 0.00 -1447.43 136 *
72 681 576 6.9768 4.11 465.67 8 *
73 447 433 7.0235 0.00 -613.72 136 *
74 321 176 7.0301 0.00 907.22 128 *
75 682 556 7.1906 0.00 1088.72 136 *
76 78 215 7.2555 6.89 -306.99 0 *
77 683 563 7.3186 6.48 66.31 8 *
78 448 434 7.3959 0.00 776.54 136 *
79 684 555 7.4274 0.00 1403.57 136 *
80 685 575 7.4516 0.00 714.38 128 *
81 686 554 7.8279 0.00 -390.03 264 *
82 687 518 7.8537 0.00 -810.92 136 *
83 79 237 7.8767 0.00 1218.69 136 *
84 80 203 8.0046 11.18 237.61 0
85 688 580 8.1450 0.00 -2630.40 136 *
86 81 201 8.3080 0.00 1861.85 128 *
87 689 575 8.3448 0.00 -587.83 136 *
88 82 277 8.4896 0.00 -130.83 264 *
89 83 255 8.5407 4.67 298.22 8 *
90 690 511 8.6365 4.70 30.51 0 *
91 84 228 8.7022 3.52 363.02 0 *
92 691 535 8.7455 0.00 -591.20 136 *
93 85 231 8.8273 4.75 -254.64 0 *
94 692 567 9.0071 0.00 -1727.18 136 *
95 86 223 9.1021 0.00 -404.99 256 *
96 693 525 9.2428 0.00 -936.75 128 *
97 87 203 9.2727 10.31 539.53 0