I've taken a quick look at the burst reported for run 11246, and since
3 of the 8 hits come from the same box, and all the other hits are just
above 10 MeV, I'm sure it's just noise. Our local cluster is down, so I
can't access my calibration constants for a bit, but I'll run a post-pass
on this as soon as I can.
Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type
1 697 446 0.0000 18.65 532.14 8
14 185 135 0.5610 10.83 -114.89 8
15 699 446 0.5922 21.44 505.31 8
25 141 527 1.1313 10.83 -545.91 0
34 189 135 1.7119 10.48 161.17 8
37 705 446 1.8192 16.97 542.96 8
39 192 135 1.8807 10.05 181.54 8
40 693 55 1.9003 14.57 -179.55 8