Yup, seems ignorable. Run 11619 was a very short run, possibly with
problems. Note that the event number was 1, indicating that the
first hit in the burst (at least) came from and end of run GC buffer:
I recently added the collection of the equip 31's to the code.
Now's as good a time as any to list a few recent items of ERP GC monitor
news (code upgrades, bug fixes) etc.:
1. As I just mentioned, I added collection and processing of the ERP
end-of-run GC buffers about a week ago. EOR buffers are treated as
event number = 1 by the monitor.
2. I fixed a bug that was causing output file names to get messed
up for backup acq runs (90000+ run numbers).
3. The maximum data record size seems to have increased in recent months
(because of big old waveform events I assume) which was causing
occasional RCD process crashes. This is now fixed.
4. I'm still having problems with RCD efficiency, getting <70-80% buffer
collection for some runs. This has been true since December or so.
There's no obvious day/night or other pattern. Sandro Marini has done
some tests but says he sees no problem. I'm working on some
independent tests. The claim is this is something to do with the
waveform load on the system, but the efficiencies were fine (>95%) shortly
after the waveforms were added to the acq, so I'm not sure about this.
Anyway, I'm working on it -- more later.
5. The memo I've been promising about the new ERP monitor version is
finally almost ready. I'll make the draft available today or tomorrow.
6. Check out http:://cithe501.cithep.caltech.edu/~kate/gc.html for
the beginnings of a MACRO GC WWW page. Just a few links there as
yet, but it will grow.