last night's burst in run 12342

Kate Scholberg (
Fri, 14 Jun 1996 11:15:38 -0700 (PDT)

Looks like nothing too exciting; one over threshold and contains
one box twice.



Run Number 12342
Event Number 3908
Number of bursts found 1
Burst Number: 1
Time Window: 6 seconds
Total number of hits in the time interval: 61
Number passing all cuts: 7
SM combination number: 31
Supermodules present for burst search:
SM 1: Y SM 2: Y SM 3: Y SM 4: Y SM 5: Y SM 6: N
Background rate (sum of SMs): 7.0168860E-02
Background rate for the last day: 0.3503650
Multiplicity threshold: 6
Poisson probability: 5.0768908E-06 5

ERP clock time (UT-corrected) of first hit in burst: 8110.6084
Julian Day of first hit in burst: 2450248.916829736
UT time of first hit in burst: 14-06-1996 10:00:14.0892080

Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type
1 415 454 0.0000 56.01 -96.08 0
11 813 235 0.6461 12.38 -519.64 0
18 625 341 1.1055 11.86 -542.89 0
19 120 55 1.1596 13.09 48.57 8
54 130 56 3.6884 50.44 136.84 0
57 1 203 3.8298 10.90 98.85 8
61 132 55 3.9112 11.50 -191.03 8