run 12631 burst

Kate Scholberg (
Sun, 11 Aug 1996 14:04:16 -0700 (PDT)

Another blip.



Run Number 12631
Event Number 9687
Number of bursts found 1
Burst Number: 1
Time Window: 2 seconds
Total number of hits in the time interval: 21
Number passing all cuts: 5
SM combination number: 63
Supermodules present for burst search:
SM 1: Y SM 2: Y SM 3: Y SM 4: Y SM 5: Y SM 6: Y
Background rate (sum of SMs): in mHz 64.04462
Background rate for the last day: (sum) 60.75798 +/- 0.8253322
Multiplicity threshold: 4
Poisson probability: 9.8675800E-06 5

ERP clock time (UT-corrected) of first hit in burst: 19358.8231
Julian Day of first hit in burst: 2450307.373550390
UT time of first hit in burst: 11-08-1996 20:57:54.7536817

Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type
1 89 528 0.0000 10.22 -490.53 0
5 393 8 0.2803 10.23 526.14 8
9 394 77 0.6164 12.26 506.20 0
10 90 560 0.8534 10.03 120.23 8
21 213 134 1.7967 10.60 -72.49 8


All hits during the time window of the burst:

Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type Cut
1 89 528 0.0000 10.22 -490.53 0
2 758 308 0.0732 0.00 -757.28 128 *
3 208 118 0.1506 3.36 -47.69 8 *
4 99 445 0.1606 0.00 -617.68 136 *
5 393 8 0.2803 10.23 526.14 8
6 209 146 0.4699 0.00 293.65 264 *
7 210 184 0.5800 0.00 642.08 128 *
8 100 423 0.5835 0.00 -93.99 264 *
9 394 77 0.6164 12.26 506.20 0
10 90 560 0.8534 10.03 120.23 8
11 101 468 0.9850 0.00 207.00 264 *
12 759 364 0.9945 0.00 -1931.72 136 *
13 102 461 1.0610 0.00 1106.25 136 *
14 760 376 1.1290 0.00 -37.03 264 *
15 211 174 1.2127 0.00 574.09 136 *
16 395 17 1.2770 0.00 1705.77 128 *
17 389 244 1.4251 0.00 -1279.97 136 *
18 396 54 1.5166 0.00 -550.34 264 *
19 103 426 1.5371 0.00 939.93 136 *
20 212 145 1.7776 0.00 0.00 24 *
21 213 134 1.7967 10.60 -72.49 8