> >
> > For some reason my Skytel beeper did not go off for this
> > last alarm. This is not the first failure either. Do either of
> > you (K8 or Alec) experience a unreliable Skytel response?
Do you have a SkyTel beeper with a direct mail link now, or do you have the
same system where the mail goes to Michigan first? If so, are you
sure the message was sent to SkyTel successfully?
> Except for the time when the beeper got turned off by skytel, it always
> gets something.
> However, it's not uncommon for one of the two (tcpip vs decnet) beeps to
> not get through till later - does your beeper get two messages per
> alarm?
Yes, the only failures I'm aware of were when SkyTel decided to cancel
our account last November. But perhaps the connection isn't always
perfect in Ann Arbor; do you have a little icon on your beeper that
tells you if you're covered?
Our beeper gets 2 messages because the SkyTel address is in the list
twice (via 2 paths). Dan, do you want this too? I can add your
address to the list twice, if you don't mind getting double beeps
(most of the time they arrive one on top of the other though).