I am beepersitting for Kate, and got beeped today.
(Apr 09, 1997 1:30PM and 1:45PM (same burst))
Things I noticed about this burst: Only one hit above threshold (6/5),
spanning SMs 1-4 in 6s. The energies were uniform in time (perhaps
bigger at the end) and the hits (both cut and uncut) were uniform
through the 4SMs in position.
-Chris Orth
Here is the log file:
RUN_13785_INFO.OUT;24 RUN_13785_INFO.OUT;23
Run Number 13791
Event Number 1049
Number of bursts found 1
Burst Number: 1
Time Window: 6 seconds
Total number of hits in the time interval: 34
Number passing all cuts: 6
SM combination number: 15
Supermodules present for burst search:
SM 1: Y SM 2: Y SM 3: Y SM 4: Y SM 5: N SM 6: N
Background rate (sum of SMs): in mHz 41.13736
Background rate per SM: in mHz
13.38 +/- 2.79 14.75 +/- 0.38
12.42 +/- 2.71 13.01 +/- 0.36
8.46 +/- 2.26 10.01 +/- 0.31
6.88 +/- 1.91 5.53 +/- 0.24
Background rate for the last day: (sum) 43.30202 +/-
Multiplicity threshold: 5
Poisson probability: 5.9643485E-06 5
ERP clock time (UT-corrected) of first hit in burst: 1618.0133
Julian Day of first hit in burst: 2450548.216918191
UT time of first hit in burst: 09-04-1997 17:12:21.7317375
Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position
1 672 56 0.0000 40.44 502.78
2 673 54 0.0376 40.35 196.10
11 721 154 2.1212 58.17 538.33
20 725 103 4.1508 11.41 -468.85
29 727 135 5.2021 10.76 109.52
34 488 301 5.6334 111.57 272.89
All hits during the time window of the burst:
Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position
Type Cut
1 672 56 0.0000 40.44 502.78
2 673 54 0.0376 40.35 196.10
3 479 320 0.1132 0.00 389.68
256 *
5 737 237 0.4825 3.14 523.01
8 *
6 481 372 0.7021 0.00 1562.65
128 *
7 738 261 0.9363 0.00 22.04
264 *
8 674 77 1.2087 0.00 -443.42
264 *
9 482 308 1.2227 0.00 377.04
264 *
10 739 237 1.3675 0.00 591.14
136 *
11 721 154 2.1212 58.17 538.33
12 722 111 2.1424 0.00 685.95
128 *
13 723 173 2.6618 0.00 665.41
128 *
14 675 6 2.8057 0.00 401.14
256 *
15 740 239 3.0286 0.00 -860.86
136 *
16 741 209 3.0936 0.00 563.83
136 *
17 483 318 3.6896 0.00 1809.27
128 *
18 676 2 3.7188 0.00 -35.71
256 *
19 724 177 4.0766 6.01 311.79
0 *
20 725 103 4.1508 11.41 -468.85
21 742 298 4.3239 0.00 0.00
25 *
22 743 202 4.3239 44.76 402.60
0 *
23 677 98 4.3240 0.00 0.00
1 *
24 726 198 4.3240 0.00 0.00
1 *
25 484 398 4.3240 0.00 0.00
1 *
26 744 209 4.3544 0.00 543.50
264 *
27 745 276 5.0287 0.00 -598.75
136 *
28 746 263 5.0942 0.00 -682.05
136 *
29 727 135 5.2021 10.76 109.52
30 678 28 5.3426 0.00 151.36
264 *
31 485 320 5.3665 6.05 171.12
0 *
32 486 339 5.4264 0.00 9.08
264 *
33 487 362 5.5999 0.00 583.98
136 *
34 488 301 5.6334 111.57 272.89