burst of run14143

Sat, 14 Jun 1997 22:55:44 EDT

One over threshold, with two SMs offline. (Why?)

Gotta fix that box 55 already. Dan

Run Number 14143
Event Number 5051
Number of bursts found 1
Burst Number: 1
Time Window: 8 seconds
Total number of hits in the time interval: 44
Number passing all cuts: 6
SM combination number: 11
Supermodules present for burst search:
SM 1: Y SM 2: Y SM 3: N SM 4: Y SM 5: N SM 6: N
Background rate (sum of SMs): in mHz 32.75164
Background rate per SM: in mHz
16.98 +/- 1.50 15.32 +/- 0.40
10.21 +/- 1.20 14.32 +/- 0.38
5.57 +/- 0.85 6.72 +/- 0.26
Background rate for the last day: (sum) 36.36618 +/- 0.6132506
Multiplicity threshold: 5
Poisson probability: 7.9184993E-06 5

ERP clock time (UT-corrected) of first hit in burst: 7931.7328
Julian Day of first hit in burst: 2450614.607281637
UT time of first hit in burst: 15-06-1997 02:34:29.1334795

Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type
1 615 126 0.0000 15.75 -534.25 8
4 474 339 0.3743 11.13 -521.29 0
23 744 83 2.7244 11.65 536.93 0
28 486 318 4.5551 10.04 73.59 0
43 750 55 7.7718 11.86 183.28 8
44 625 182 7.8135 10.23 -22.91 0
