Run Number 14397
Event Number 8227
Number of bursts found 2
Burst Number: 1
Time Window: 8 seconds
Total number of hits in the time interval: 12
Number of hits passing all cuts: 5
Background rate: in mHz 11.17462
Background rate from last day: in mHz 12.51849 +/- 0.3512772
Multiplicity threshold: 4
Poisson probability: 2.4336291E-06 6
ERP clock time (UT-corrected) of first hit in burst: 13327.1004
Julian Day of first hit in burst: 2450660.815325015
UT time of first hit in burst: 31-07-1997 07:34:04.0813355
Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type
1 50 165 0.0000 10.15 78.56 8
3 52 184 1.6616 23.01 -251.94 0
4 53 134 1.7986 18.59 -157.04 0
9 58 157 6.0769 37.42 -498.71 0
12 61 165 7.4859 12.69 -0.34 0
All hits during the time window of the burst:
Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type Cut
1 50 165 0.0000 10.15 78.56 8
2 51 156 1.2612 0.00 -1720.70 136 *
3 52 184 1.6616 23.01 -251.94 0
4 53 134 1.7986 18.59 -157.04 0
5 54 135 2.3853 7.75 184.73 8 *
6 55 109 2.8300 0.00 -1665.82 128 *
7 56 114 3.0599 0.00 1227.72 128 *
8 57 119 3.4029 6.53 -306.92 8 *
9 58 157 6.0769 37.42 -498.71 0
10 59 157 6.6522 6.02 46.45 8 *
11 60 139 6.6885 3.09 -544.46 8 *
12 61 165 7.4859 12.69 -0.34 0
Burst Number: 2
Time Window: 10 seconds
Total number of hits in the time interval: 12
Number of hits passing all cuts: 5
Background rate: in mHz 11.17462
Background rate from last day: in mHz 12.51849 +/- 0.3512772
Multiplicity threshold: 4
Poisson probability: 5.8101637E-06 5
ERP clock time (UT-corrected) of first hit in burst: 13327.1004
Julian Day of first hit in burst: 2450660.815325015
UT time of first hit in burst: 31-07-1997 07:34:04.0813355
Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type
1 50 165 0.0000 10.15 78.56 8
3 52 184 1.6616 23.01 -251.94 0
4 53 134 1.7986 18.59 -157.04 0
9 58 157 6.0769 37.42 -498.71 0
12 61 165 7.4859 12.69 -0.34 0
All hits during the time window of the burst:
Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type Cut
1 50 165 0.0000 10.15 78.56 8
2 51 156 1.2612 0.00 -1720.70 136 *
3 52 184 1.6616 23.01 -251.94 0
4 53 134 1.7986 18.59 -157.04 0
5 54 135 2.3853 7.75 184.73 8 *
6 55 109 2.8300 0.00 -1665.82 128 *
7 56 114 3.0599 0.00 1227.72 128 *
8 57 119 3.4029 6.53 -306.92 8 *
9 58 157 6.0769 37.42 -498.71 0
10 59 157 6.6522 6.02 46.45 8 *
11 60 139 6.6885 3.09 -544.46 8 *
12 61 165 7.4859 12.69 -0.34 0