Run Number 15045
Event Number 4934
Number of bursts found 1
Burst Number: 1
Time Window: 20 seconds
Total number of hits in the time interval: 98
Number passing all cuts: 8
SM combination number: 21
Supermodules present for burst search:
SM 1: Y SM 2: N SM 3: Y SM 4: N SM 5: Y SM 6: N
Background rate (sum of SMs): in mHz 31.96055
Background rate for the last day: (sum) 33.78499 +/- 0.5787915
Multiplicity threshold: 7
Poisson probability: 4.5653410E-06 5
Julian Day of first hit in burst: 2450792.268841126 7357.8551
UT time of first hit in burst: 09-12-1997 18:27:07.8733167
Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type
1 187 58 0.0000 11.47 6.80 0
13 190 55 3.1053 35.12 -7.88 0
14 191 54 3.1911 25.83 -85.21 0
20 284 477 4.1088 10.08 -494.97 8
54 52 263 8.9644 10.05 -144.34 8
56 297 470 9.8052 70.06 -458.58 0
81 208 71 16.6936 13.02 -450.58 8
98 213 77 19.8947 15.81 459.16 0