run 15295 burst

Kate Scholberg (
Tue, 27 Jan 1998 09:07:33 -0500 (EST)

Nothing exciting.



Run Number 15295
Event Number 3310
Number of bursts found 1
Burst Number: 1
Time Window: 6 seconds
Total number of hits in the time interval: 45
Number passing all cuts: 7
SM combination number: 47
Supermodules present for burst search:
SM 1: Y SM 2: Y SM 3: Y SM 4: Y SM 5: N SM 6: Y
Background rate (sum of SMs): in mHz 73.29289
Background rate for the last day: (sum) 78.65827 +/- 0.9333043
Multiplicity threshold: 6
Poisson probability: 6.4708556E-06 5
ERP clock time (UT-corrected) of first hit in burst: 5344.7679
Julian Day of first hit in burst: 2450841.047542746
UT time of first hit in burst: 27-01-1998 13:08:27.6932597

Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type
1 338 310 0.0000 15.15 -475.69 8
9 341 310 0.4494 10.26 -427.90 8
16 113 122 0.9030 11.00 412.74 0
24 114 103 1.6377 11.25 50.24 0
31 514 544 2.2475 11.18 537.65 0
32 116 145 2.3091 10.86 515.86 8
45 276 77 3.6336 10.07 325.82 0
