We plan to perform a further GC calibration test tomorrow Wednesday
12JAN1999, between 09:00 and 19:00 local (Italian) time.
This should finalize the LED part of the code. It's not decided yet
whether we'll keep the online part active (on the part of MACRO under
calibration) or not. Please let us know if you have any objection
or suggestion. Tentantively, we'll excersice a protocol for this kind
of calibration that will uniquely flag such tests. This will be as follows:
- 10 ERP fake hits at 4Hz (2.5secs)
- 30 seconds of silence
- 1 or 2 bursts of total duration ~15 seconds (no ERP FAKE box present)
- 30 seconds of silence
- 10 ERP fake hits at 4Hz (2.5secs)
More tomorrow,