Bursts of Runs 17625, 17267, 17272

Christopher Orth (corth@budoe.bu.edu)
Mon, 8 Mar 1999 09:58:04 -0500 (EST)

Hey All,

Looks like someone's been playing with MACRO's Poisson statistics
knob again.

In summary:

17625: 6 hits in 6s, thresh 5. SMs 23. All hits are low energy.
17627: 7 hits in 6s, thresh 6. SMs 1346. All hits are low energy.
17272: 10 hits in 20s, thresh 9. SMs 126, 1 hit looks like a mu.

A quick survey of the hit boxes doesn't reveal any channels that
might be hot. In fact you can see from above that no single SM is present
in all three events.
