18968 & 18973 bursts

Subject: 18968 & 18973 bursts
From: Alec Habig (habig@budoe2.bu.edu)
Date: Tue Jan 25 2000 - 10:44:07 EST

Triggered by the presence of many ERP GC people on airplanes instead of
in front of their computers, Dr. Poisson strikes:

Run 18968: Only SM4, 6 over 5 in 20 sec, one a high energy hit.

Run 18973: 7 over a threshold of 6 in 6 seconds, 5/6 SM present.
two high-energy hits and the same box twice in a row. Even given this
foo, it's back below threshold with the last SM checking in.


       Alec Habig, Boston University Particle Astrophysics Group

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