Concerning the Pisa group, some work has been done to improve the PMT rate
measurement system: a new program is now operating which takes data from
96 channels (48 counters) at a time; so, data from a supermodule can be
collected by two measurements only. Instructions for using this new
program can be found in the rate system logbook.
The important achievements of the week and the plans for the near future of
the U.S. group are summarized in the following notes, kindly written by Nat.
All WFD cards calibrated. Ed K, Chris O
Rechecks on previously calibrated cards: delta <1% /2 mos.
Survey of calibration laser/ref pmt problems: essentially one Maurizio, Ed M
ref pmt per uVAX had failed due to nonuniform aperture/ Nat
diffuser installation and slowly deteriorating light level,
or phototube failure.
LIP cable installation, SMs 1-6. Chris W
Located/copied 20 data tapes (from >= NOV94) for US (Caltech). Maurizio, Ed M
Installed DSP (CAMAC crate voltage and temp) monitors system Nat
on SM1-6 ERP crates.
Upgrade GC monitor code to discount inter-SM muons. Kate
Put SM2 WFD in ACQ. Ed K, Chris O
Put SM3-6 WFD in ACQ (hardware delivery by Rich Baker 29 May). Ed K, Chris O
Modify ERP LUT code to include uniformity of spatial response. Kate
LIP module checkout, put SM2-6 LIP into ACQ (following WFD). Chris W
Create hardcopy shiftworker logbook. Nat, Ed M
LED switchbox upgrade, SMs 5-6. Maurizio
Repair laser reference pmts and restart calibrations. Maurizio, Ed M,
Simulate a GC event. Kate, Rich, Nat
Continue data tape copying to present time. Maurizio, Ed M
Add Parallel real-time DSP monitor to pmt HV monitor. Nat
Install bit OR of LED pulser for SPUs (to flag accidentals). Nat
Build interface and database for various scintillator Ed M
diagnostic software.
Fabrizio Cei for the Pisa group.
P.S. During the week-end, U.S. people visited Pompei, and Ercolano; they
were really impressed by these beautiful places; this is the Nat comment
about the visit:
We had a wonderful trip... we saw Pompeii and Erculaneo, climbed Mt.
Vesuvio, and had a wonderful fresh fish dinner on the Amalfi Coast....