Present at Gran Sasso: Nat Longley, Rich Baker, Chris Orth, Chris Walter,
Kate Scholberg (*) , Ed Michlovich, Ed Kearns, Maurizio Goretti
(*) Shift reporter
There's not much to report that isn't in the Nat list, so here's the
Nat list:
All WFD cards calibrated. Ed K, Chris O
Rechecks on previously calibrated cards: delta <1% /2 mos.
SM2 WFD checkout. Ed K, Chris O,
Chris W
Remaining WFD hardware delivery. Rich Baker
Survey of calibration laser/ref pmt problems: essentially one Maurizio, Ed M
ref pmt per uVAX had failed due to nonuniform aperture/ Nat
diffuser installation and slowly deteriorating light level,
or phototube failure.
Laser and nonattenuated reference PMT overhaul. Ed M, Maurizio
LIP cable installation, SMs 1-6. Chris W
Located/copied 20 data tapes (from >= NOV94) for US (Caltech). Maurizio, Ed M
Installed DSP (CAMAC crate voltage and temp) monitors system Nat
on SM1-6 ERP crates.
Upgrade GC monitor code to discount inter-SM muons. Kate
Modify ERP LUT code to include uniformity of spatial response. Kate
Finish data tape copying thropugh present for Caltech. Ed M, Maurizio
Add Parallel real-time DSP monitor to pmt HV monitor. Nat
Re-install remaining branch 2 CAMAC crates (for attico TOHM). Nat, Kate
CAMAC reconfiguration to standardize crates (limited slot Nat, Rich
reallocations involved).
Central on/off switch for lasers. Maurizio,
Overhaul attenuated reference pmts. Ed M, Maurizio,
Repair SM3 WFD backplane. Nat, Chris O
SM 3-6 WFD checkout. Ed K, Chris O,
Additional ERP LUT software work. Chris W
Add North and South Face, GC triggers to BMON. Rich
LIP module checkout, put SM2-6 LIP into ACQ (following WFD). Chris W
Create hardcopy shiftworker logbook. Nat, Ed M
LED switchbox upgrade, SMs 5-6. Maurizio
Simulate a GC event. Kate, Rich, Nat
Install bit OR of LED pulser for SPUs (to flag accidentals). Nat
Build interface and database for various scintillator Ed M
diagnostic software.
This shift report cannot be complete without an account of The Saga of
the Lemon. As mentioned briefly last week we left the tunnel en masse
to take a weekend trip to Napoli and the Amalfi coast. It was a
wonderful trip, marred by only one defect (from my point of view
anyway). It was my own fault. Saturday evening we were sitting on
the porch of the hotel enjoying the beautiful view of the sea, fishing
boats, and lemon trees from the cliffside. Innocently, imagining it
would provoke a reasonably interesting, say, 45-second-long
conversation, I asked, "Do you think you throw a lemon from here into
the ocean?"
Alas, this comment provided hours of amusement for most of the members
of our party. Every possible aspect of this issue was discussed
in great detail. Would it be possible to clear the cliffside? Could
a person with a good arm get a lemon as far as the buoy? What if you
put a spin on the lemon, like a football? Who could throw it the
It reminded me a bit of "The Day Chris And Ed Spent Talking About Emacs".
As we left on Sunday morning Chris persuaded Nat to actually throw the
lemon (a good plump one having been found on our patio). It did in
fact clear the cliffside, but made it only halfway to the buoy. I had
hoped that the issue would be officially settled, but no such
luck... all aspects of Nat's actual throw had to be rehashed, and
further questions about how he, or others, *might* have thrown the
lemon still had to be considered. The subject is, unfortunately, not
yet closed.
Maybe we should start a lemon-projectile@cithe502 mailing list. Please
unsubscribe me.
Your faithful shiftworker,
Kate Scholberg.