MACRO USA/Italia Run Coordinator's Meeting

Mon, 19 Jun 1995 16:53:33 +0200 (WET-DST)

Minutes of the MACRO USA/Italia Run Coordinator's Meeting
19 June 1995

Present: Nat Longley (Reporting), Rich Baker, Giovanni Mancarella,
Eugenio Scapparone

(1) Nat announced that the resumption of a formal weekly USA/Italia data
meeting would begin starting today, and that meetings would normally be held in
the MACRO counting house at 9:00 AM. In general, the Run Coordinator and the
four Pisa/USA and Italian shiftworkers would attend, as well as any other
parties the group decided it was important to invite in order to discuss
specific topics. The meetings are of course open and not limited to these
quorum and invited members.

(2) The group thanked our first invited guest, Eugenio Scapparone, for the
extra hours he spent over the weekend insuring that there was adaquate disk
space available for WFD data.

(3) Nat reported that there would be continued ERP trigger work (on the LUTs)
this week, but that it was not expected to interfere with normal data taking.

(4) The streamer tube work discussion was not held because it was impssible for
Jan Reynoldson to attend the meeting given the short notice she received.
Streamer tube notes will be added next week.

(5) Nat Announced that CAMAC crates would be added to uVAX 1, 2, and 3
Branch 2 in order to accomodate the new attico TOHM. This is as planned for

(6) Giovanni explained the problem which had kept uVAX 3 out of acquisition
overnight (a bad NIM fan), which was temporarily repaired by Nat and Giovanni.
Jan Reynoldson and Antonasio Candella were notified of the need to replace the

(7) A set of three parallel programs was agreed upon for treating the new WFD
data. They are:
A. WFD data will be collected as long as disk space could be made
available. When necessary, the WFD readout will be suppressed
in order to catch up on the data backlog.
B. The WFD group will make extensive test of the readout window and
Slow Monopole Trigger parameters in order to determine if
the amount of data can be reduced without significantly
affecting sensitivity. Tests this week will focus on the
readout window and next week on the TOHM and Leaky Integrator
sections of the SMT.
C. At the same time, Eugenio and other data copying team members will
examine the possibility of improvements in the data copying
system. For now, one USA/Pisa shiftworker will always be
available in the external lab to help with tape mounting and
labelling, and another long-term worker will be assigned to
discuss issues with Eugenio and/or assist with software
development whenever necessary. It is understood that any
changes to the data copying system must be approved by the
data distribution team and that the role of the USA/Pisa
shiftworkers is advisory only. These issues will be discussed
in particular at the data meeting on the twenty-second.

(8) Eugenio reported that at present the detector (with WFD data) writes a
total of 2.4 Megablocks per day (1.2 GB, or about 1.3 standard MACRO 8mm
tapes). This represents four times the old data rate, or an increase of 300%.

(9) Nat announced that the default main detector CAMAC lists had been changed to
accomodate the previously agreed upon protocol in which "GUT16" indicated new
WFD data.

End of Minutes.