Present: Nat Longley (Reporting), Giorgio Giacomelli, Eugenio Scapparone,
Jan Reynoldson, Donato Nicolo', Ernesto Lamanna, Francesca Sartogo, Cris Orth,
Chris Walter
I. The Run Coordinator's Meeting will be held every Monday at 11:00 AM inside
the tunnel unless arranged otherwise by the Run Coordinator. The Run
Coordinator is responsible for the minutes, which will be posted to NEWS and The Run Coordinator, the four
shiftworkers, one representative of the technical group (currently Reynoldson
or Candela), one Scintillator technician (currently Maurizio Goretti, but
possibly Paolo Saggese when he is rehired), and Devincenzi will attend. The
meeting is open, however, and any interested parties may also attend.
Other individuals will be "invited" as the need arises.
II. Anyone planning work on the detector on Wednesdays is requested to contact
the Run Coordinator by phone on Tuesday in order to coordinate activity.
III. One CRESST representative will be invited to the Run Coordinator's Meeting
during the installation of that experiment to the south of the detector. No
firm dates are known, however, for this installation.
IV. Special hardwre/software work this week:
Streamer Tubes: normal maintenance only.
PHRASE: supermodule 2 to be returned to acquisition this week.
WFD: various interuptions for minor problems all week.
Blackout: shiftworkers will end the run and shut off all the equipment
racks at 8:00 AM on Wednesday in preparation for a planned
blackout at 8:30 PM (power backup work requires the blackout).
V. The effects of changes in the run length were discussed. The group agreed
that the present very short runs presented some problems in terms of detector
monitoring and dead time. Eugenio Scapparone announced that the the data
acquisition group would increase the run duration to approximately 4.5 hours
as soon as possible, and there was general agreement that this represented
close to the minimum required time for detector efficiency to be calculated on
a run-by-run basis. There were also comments, however, that increases in run
length beyond 4.5 hours might also pose problems. In particular, WFD data
files are already quite large and increases above 4.5 hour/run might make
them hard to analyze (disk space is always tight). In addition, there was
some concern that as the run length increased the amount of time required to
discovered problems through end-of-run checks would also increase, and that
detector ontime could be affected if analysis cuts required full or nearly full
runs. Comment on the "best" maximum run time ran from four to eight hours.
It is understood that these considerations may affect he final decisions about
run length, but that many other groups will be affected and must be consulted
as well before the collaboration comes to a decision about the long-term run
length goal.
VI. The streamer tube single photoelectron monitor will be set up after the
required radioactive sources arrive. No dates were given.