Run Coordinator's Meeting, 3 July 1995

Wed, 5 Jul 1995 12:33:16 +0200 (WET-DST)

Minutes of the Run Coordinator's Meeting
26 June 1995

Present: Nat Longley (Reporting), Eugenio Scapparone, Jan Reynoldson, Chris
Walter, Chris Orth, Stu Mufson, Maurizio Goretti, Vanna Pugliese, Mario
De Vincenzi

Nothing more than routine streamer tube maintenance this week.

PHRASE acquisition has been restarted on SM2. This has also allowed the SM2
LIP to turn on.

The inter-SM LIP trigger will be installed this week, and the LIP streamer tube
track requirements will be relaxed.

Work continues on the ERP LUTs (trigger tables).

The data copying system has been modified so that files are copied from the
tunnel to the external cluster first, and then processed. This has increased
the rate of data transmission from the tunnel by approximately 60%.

There was some discussion of possible increases in the data rate, but no
significant (read over 2-3%) will be made without coordination with the data
copying group.

The next run coordinator's meeting will be Monday, 10 July at 11:00 AM in the
counting house.