Kathryn Grant Phillips Longley

Nathaniel P. Longley (nlongle1@swarthmore.edu)
Mon, 18 Sep 1995 09:10:49 -0500

Hello fellow MACROites:

Kathryn Grant Phillips Longley was born on Wednesday, 13 September
at 8:40 Pm. She weighed 8 lbs, 6 oz (3.8 kilos) and she and Karen are both
in great shape. We're going to call here "Kate," mostly after her Polish
great grandmother Kathryn Krasky, but Chris better keep an close eye on
Kate Scholberg's head size anyway.

Life is a little exciting around the Longley/Phillips household
right now, which is why it took me so long to get this note out, but
everyone is home now and we're settling in. It's sure a lot easier to make
the intercontinental move _before_ the baby arrives than it is _after_ (the
way we did with Emily)!

Classes at Swarthmore are going very well... I have an introductory
survey in special relativity, quantum mechanics, and chaos, and the
students are great.

Here's our new address:

Nat Longley and Karen Phillips Nat Longely
200 W Springfield Rd Department of Physics and Astronomy
Springfield, PA 19064 Swarthmore College
(610) 543-5426 Swarthmore, PA 19081-1397
(610) 328-8249

Nat, Karen, Emily, and Kate