Swarthmore Author's Novel on Venice, 1942.

Mail Delivery Subsystem (MAILER-DAEMON@swarthmore.edu)
Tue, 20 Feb 1996 16:42:44 -0500

Colleagues, especially Italians:

There is an author here at Swarthmore who had written a novel about
Venice during the second world war. It has already been accepted for
publication. She is interested in having someone look it over, whi is from
near Venice and who remembers the war (or who can talk to someone who
does). If anyone is interested, I will be happy to be sure you get a copy
as soon as possible (it is in English and about 100 pp).


PS from her name, one would expect that she'd write about Napoli, but I
guess not...

Message from Donna Jo Napoli:

>Oh, thank you. Here's what's up.
>I write novels for children. I'm working on one now for the 12-15 age
>range. It's in pretty good shape (it's already been accepted for
>publication -- I'm in the revision stage now). It starts in early summer
>of 1942 and ends in late November, 1942. It's about a 13 year old Venetian
>boy -- and the story moves from Venice, up into Germany, and then over to
>Ukraine. I have two Ukrainian readers, so that part of the story is
>already being checked for facts. But I need Venetians. If I could ask
>people about day-to-day facts -- just to check on small things (like how
>they heated their homes, whether boys from the ghetto went to the same
>schools as the other boys of Cannaregio, whether the law requiring Jews to
>wear Star of David armbands was enforced in Venice, things like that), I'd
>be so grateful. And I'd be overjoyed if I could get anyone to read the
>whole ms. The ms. would take about 3 hours to read for a relatively slow
>reader -- and it's fiction, so I hope it's enjoyable. I don't want to tell
>the storyline -- because part of the value of the story is in its plot --
>and if any Venetian volunteers to read it, I want to know his reaction to
>that plot.
> Thanks very much for circulating this message.

>Donna Jo Napoli
>Prof. and Chair
>Swarthmore College
>Swarthmore, PA 19081
>(610) 3288422
>(610) 3286558 - home

Nat Longley
Swarthmore College, Physics and Astronomy
Swarthmore, PA 19081-1397
nlongle1@swarthmore.edu (610) 328-8249