A first draft of the slides to my LIP talk at DPF are now available.
You can find them in:
1) MACRO WWW bulletin board at Caltech in the protected "Notes"
section in the file lipTalk.ps
2) At VAXGS in [walter.dpf]liptalk.ps [as I write at 2:45am CA time
the file is still transfering so if you are in Italy let it finish
before your read it]
There have been several comments made at Caltech and changes are still
being made to the slides. Mostly they involve changing the focus in
the first slides and fixing some figures to be more readable. The
basic content is the same. I will post revised versions tomorrow.
There are 15 color Sans-Serif(because that's my advisor's favorite
font at talks) slides in the file.
"I'm telling you use Sans-Serif! It's what road sign painters use!" -BB