Here are the procedures we have established.
1. Submit abstracts to either of us by e-mail before Jan. 20, 1997.
Unless specified otherwise, the sender of the e-mail will be considered to
be the contact person for the proposed paper. We will decide on a final
set of abstracts by Feb. 1, and will be in touch with all contact persons.
2. Contact persons will post papers on the WWW, using the MACRO home page at
the URL
. WWW papers will include a .ps version (with figures) for downloading.
(Or, contact persons can use their local WWW server and just put a hyperlink
on the MACRO home page to their local URL.) Deadline for papers will be
April 30, 1997.
3. Collaboration approves papers in Ann Arbor MACRO meeting in early May.
Approved papers are then submitted to the ICRC.
As usual, contact persons (not us) are responsible for all of the
above. We will gladly assist them.
Aurelio Grillo
Richard Heinz