1998-99 (starts Jan12,1998) MACRO US/Pisa Shift Schedule

Erik Katsavounidis (Erik.Katsavounidis@lngs.infn.it)
Tue, 28 Oct 1997 14:57:44 +0100 (CET)

Dear Colleagues,

As Barry mentioned at the collaboration meeting in Pisa, the assignment
of the 1998/99 MACRO data (physicist) shifts is ready. For those of you
who prefer looking things on the web, please check out
(you'll have to login as macro with the standard password).
The shift schedule is also appended at the end of this e-mail message.
Please go over the shifts assigned to your institution and make sure
this is as you were expecting them. We've tried to accomodate every request;
if there are still conficts with the assigned shifts, you'll have to look for
a trade by contacting directly the listed persons.
The new cycle starts Jan 12, 1998 and includes 34 two-week shifts that
correspond to 34 US/Pisa authors coming from 7 primary institutions.

Please notice the following general rules for the US/Pisa shifts that
had been in effect for more than two years now:
o Groups, not individuals are responsible for shifts. The number of
shifts assigned to a group during a cycle is equal to the number
of authors listed under this group in the current author list.
o An individual is permitted to take no more than 3 shifts (6 weeks)
during the cycle.
o Shifts start on Monday, continue through the weekend in the middle
and end Friday evening in the second week.
o The weekend in the middle of a physicist shift is covered only by
the shift physicist (no shift technician) so it is important to be

Thank you for your attention.

--Erik Katsavounidis

Extract of the MACRO shift schedule home page at Gran Sasso. This is

1998/99 MACRO Shifts for Scintillator Authors

MACRO Scintillator Author List as of October 1997.

This is the basis for assigning shifts to scintillator institutions.

Institution Authors Total Confirmed
Boston Habig, Kearns, Orth, Scholberg, Stone, Sulak, 7 No
Caltech Barish, Choudhary, Huang, Katsavounidis, Kim,
Kyriazopoulou, Longley (jointly with 9 Yes
Swarthmore), Michael, Peck
Drexel Lane, Steinberg 2 Yes
Indiana Heinz, Mufson, Musser 3 Yes
Michigan I: Cei, Levin, Tarle` -- II: Hanson, Longo -- 6 Yes
III: Coutu
Texas A&M Webb 1 Yes
Pisa Baldini, Bemporad, Giannini, Grassi, Nicolo`, 6 Yes
Grand Total of Scintillator Authors 34


Shift # Starting Monday 9am Ending Friday 6pm Institution Contact Person
1 January 12, 1998 January 23, 1998 Pisa-1 Grassi
2 January 26, 1998 February 6, 1998 Michigan-I-1 Cei
3 February 9, 1998 February 20,1998 Michigan-I-2 Cei
4 February 23, 1998 March 6, 1998 Caltech-1 Michael
5 March 9, 1998 March 20, 1998 Caltech-2 Michael
6 March 23, 1998 April 3, 1998 Boston-1 Stone
7 April 6, 1998 April 17, 1998 Boston-2 Stone
8 April 20, 1998 May 1, 1998 Pisa-2 Grassi
9 May 4, 1998 May 15, 1998 Michigan-II-1 Longo
10 May 18, 1998 May 29, 1998 Michigan-II-2 Longo
11 June 1, 1998 June 12, 1998 Caltech-3 Longley
12 June 15, 1998 June 26, 1998 Indiana-1 Musser
13 June 29, 1998 July 10, 1998 Caltech-4 Michael
14 July 13, 1998 July 24, 1998 Caltech-5 Michael
15 July 27, 1998 August 7, 1998 Texas A&M-1 Webb
16 August 10, 1998 August 21, 1998 Caltech-6 Peck
17 August 24, 1998 September 4,1998 Drexel-1 Lane
18 September 7, 1998 September18,1998 Drexel-2 Lane
19 September 21, 1998 October 2, 1998 Indiana-2 Mufson
20 October 5, 1998 October 16, 1998 Boston-3 Stone
21 October 19, 1998 October 30, 1998 Caltech-7 Michael
22 November 2, 1998 November 13,1998 Caltech-8 Michael
23 November 16, 1998 November 27,1998 Pisa-3 Grassi
24 November 30, 1998 December 11,1998 Pisa-4 Grassi
25 December 14, 1998 December 25,1998 Boston-4 Stone
26 December 28, 1998 January 8, 1999 Boston-5 Stone
27 January 11, 1999 January 22, 1999 Indiana-3 Heinz
28 January 25, 1999 February 5, 1999 Pisa-5 Grassi
29 February 8, 1999 February 19,1999 Boston-6 Stone
30 February 22, 1999 March 5, 1999 Boston-7 Stone
31 March 8, 1999 March 19, 1999 Michigan-III-1 Coutu
32 March 22, 1999 April 2, 1999 Michigan-I-3 Levin
33 April 5, 1999 April 16, 1999 Pisa-6 Grassi
34 April 19, 1999 April 30, 1999 Caltech-9 Kyriazopoulou