For those of you who never checked out "MACRO Online", our WWW server at Gran
Sasso, there is a new GC-oriented feature: the active scintillator mass and
up-time efficiencies calculated, ploted etc etc in real time for each and all
combinations of both systems (PHRASE, ERP). The numbers are meant to function
as *conservative* bounds pending final precise acceptance calculation. I've got
an introductory page also which intends only to define the fundamentals on our
GC searches.
The page is designed to accomodate the actual GC alarms generated at various
levels by ERP and/or PHRASE, superimposed on the given graphs, if this is
something the colloboration approves. This page can be further improved and
developed depending on the general interest for something like that.
You can find it at
I'd like to take the opportunity to remind everyone that the "MACRO Online" has
been running now for more than a year. Since the first data rate plot that
appeared in its welcome page back in September 1996, there were many many things
that were added to it. I strongly suggest people coming on shift at Gran Sasso
to check several times during their shift day all "MACRO Online" links as part
of their shift worker's duties. Real time information about MACRO's data rates,
disk space availability, tracking info, PMT and Streamer Tube high voltage
updates, are all available through that. Useful info is also available
through the scintillator trigger profiles (available on an run-by-run basis)
and the traditional LGB (online logbook) that is now available for all MACRO
RUNs since 1992. Under the same page you may also find the home page of the US
groups at Gran Sasso where news regarding the weekly meetings and current
shift assignment are posted. The "MACRO Hardware Information" provides the
starting point for anyone who wants to keep up to date with what's going on
at Gran Sasso. All these are only a fraction of what you can find under
this page. Please use it no matter if you are at Gran Sasso or anywhere else
and send comments or suggestions. If I may suggest, local MACRO Webmasters,
please create links for "MACRO Online" through your local MACRO site in order
to assist your users.
Whereever required, enter with username macro (lower case) using the only
MACRO password you still recall.
For any questions, comments or suggestions please let me know.