[ VAXGS::GIACOMELLI, approval of the WIMP paper ]

Erik Katsavounidis (Erik.Katsavounidis@lngs.infn.it)
Fri, 20 Nov 1998 14:49:09 +0100

News 809 in MACRO.GENERAL on node VAXGS VaxNews 4.1

Subject: approval of the WIMP paper
Date: 20-NOV-1998 08:35:19
Expires: 5-DEC-1998 08:35:19

To the MACRO Institutional Representatives

The paper
" Limits on dark matter WIMPs using upward-going muons in the MACRO detector"
has been approved by the Editorial Board. The authors propose to publish it in
Phys. Rev. D . You can find the .tex and .ps in
vaxgs::disk$macro:[macroexp.papers.wimps]wimp_paper.tex and .ps
Please check the author list and send requests for changes to GG before sunday
evening november 22 [notice the short time due the urgency of the situation ].
BB and GG