Subject: Report from the Lecce Meeting
Date: 28-NOV-1998 20:00:38
Expires: 13-DEC-1998 20:00:38
Informations from the Lecce meeting
1. General.
-Mario Sitta continues as run coordinator. We warmly thank him.
-A letter was sent to the Gran Sasso Director, prof. Bettini,
in answer to his requests about MACRO dismounting.
-A committeee was formed [ G. Giacomelli, M. Spinetti,
C. Gustavino and E. Katsavounidis] to discuss dismounting
matters with the gran Sasso lab.
-The next MACRO collaboration meeeting will be Caltech at the end of
march 1999 [ to be confirmed].
-The collaborators from Morocco will try to organize a small workshop
in Morocco
-In order to speed up the editorial procedures the future Editorial
Boards will be reduced from 4 to 2 people
-D. Heinz and A. Grillo will coordinate the subission of the abstracts
and of the papers for the 1999 ICRC in Salt Lake City
-Safety remains a hot topic. Documentation efforts will be made by
M. Spinetti, C. Gustavino, E. Katsavounidis, and others
2. Papers and Editorial Boards [ we hope that most papers will soon be
ready to be submitted, also the technical paper!]
[the name in parenthesis is the main writing author]:
1. Neutrino astronomy [Ronga]: Giglietto, Spurio, Tarle', Webb
2. WIMPs [Montaruli]: Bernardini, Grillo, Tarle', Webb
3. LIPs [Walter]: Giannini, Lipari, Tarle', Webb
4. Nuclearites [Popa]: Marzari, Patrizii, Lane, Walter
5. Decoherence [Scapparone]: Di Credico, C. Forti, Longley,Levin
6. Technical [De Vincenzi/Stone]:Monacelli,Marzari,
3. List and scientific content of MACRO publications and conference
comunications approved at the Boston and Lecce meetings.
We include here the list of proposed papers, as discussed in the
working groups, in the plenary Pisa and Boston meetings and in the
meetings of the Institutional Coordinators.
The physics items which may be presented at summer conferences are
those approved for the papers [ some may need macro/pub].
* Approved to be made into papers for publication.
+ Physics presented to the collaboration which could lead to papers
or be presented at conferences following approval of MACRO/PUB notes
and/or presentation to collaboration at the next MACRO meeting.
The papers accepted for publication in Conference Proceedings may become
LNGS reports. MACRO/PUBs may be sent to conferences; exceptionally they may
become LNGS reports.
Greetings, BB and GG 11/11/98
PAPERS approved or in the process of approval
* -Semicontained events+ratio [Surdo ]- Urgent
* -Upgoing stopping muons+ratio [Spurio]-Immediately after the previous one
* -Search for astrophysical sources with double muons [Satriano, .....]
We expect a paper draft, which also may include single muons.
* -Sidereal and diurnal variations
+ -Decorrelation [Grillo, Parlati, Battistoni, ...]
* -I(h) at large h [Lamanna, Satta, Bussino, ...]
* -Muon subgroups [Battistoni, Bloise, Forti, Scapparone, ...]
* -Muon interactions {Battistoni, Scapparone, ...]
* -MACRO-EASTOP: expect paper soon [Battistoni].
* -Nuclearites, LIPs, monopoles,...
Bologna, 31/10/1998 MACRO CONFERENCES 1998 [indicates non-macro conf.98
-Phys at cosmic accelerBad Liebenzell 1-5/4[DiCredico GS Neutrino astronomy
-APS/AAPT astrophysics Columbus 18-21 apr abstracts jan 16
-Astroparticle phys Vulcano 25-30 may BernardiniLe Atmospheric neutrinos
[BattistoniFraNeutrino oscillations
ScapparoneGS Photonuclear interacts
-Neutrino98 phys,astro Takayama 4-9 jun Ronga Fra Atmospheric neutrinos
[Barish Cal Indirect WIMP searches
-18th Phys in collisionFrascati 17-19 jun [Kearns Bu Atmospheric neutrinos
-Non-accel particl-astrTrieste 29/6-10/7 [Giacomell Bo Atmospheric neutrinos
[ " Bo Magnetic monopoles
Posters: MACRO,Monopoles and Nucl,
dE/dx of monopoles, CR39
-VHE Cosmic Ray InteracGran Sasso 12-17 jul[BattistoniMi HE interactions
Palamara Le Hadronic interac models
ScapparoneGS Photonuclear cross sect
-European Cosmic Ray C Madrid 20-24 jul Surdo Le Atmosph neutrinos H.E.
Spurio BolAtmosph neutrinos L.E.
-Dark matter in astrophHeidelberg 20-25 jul Montaruli Ba WIMPs, Atmosph neutrin
-Strange in quark matterPadova 21-24 jul
-29th ICHEP Vancouver 22-30 jul Michael CalAtmospheric neutrinos
Cei Mic Rare particle searches
-Erice summer school Erice aug Montaruli Ba Atmospheric neutrinos
-19th conf nuclear trackBesancon 31/8-4/9 Vilela Bol Track etch-poster
-New worlds in Astr.ParAlgarve 3-5 sep
-Neutrino osc Workshop Amsterdam 7-9 sep Spinetti Fra Atmospheric neutrinos
-Identific. Dark MatterBuxston,UK 7-11 sep Grassi
-SIF Salerno 28/9-2/10 Spinetti FraNeutrini atmosferici
Posters[Neutrini atmosfer,
-6th advanced technologComo 5-9 oct Battistoni
[ScapparoneGS Underground experiments
-Gamma-ray bursts Roma 3-6 nov Ronga
-Cosmo98.Part. Early UnMonterey 15-20 nov
-19th Texas symp Rel AstSaclay 14-18 dec Cecchini Bol MACRO results
1999 We would like to cover all conferences; please ask the
working group coordinators
-DPF98/99 Los Angeles 5-9 jan abstr 15/12/98
-WIN99 Capetown 24-30 jan DiCredico
-EW Physics Lake Louise 14-20 feb
-Neutrino telescopes Venezia 23-26 feb
-13th Rencontres LaThuile 28 feb-6 mar
-Astrophysics Moriond 13-20 mar
-QCD. had interactions Moriond 20-29 mar
-APS centennial Atlanta 20-26 mar abstr 4/12/98 aps /cent99/
-DIS99 Zeuthen 19-23 april
-PHOTON99 Freiburg 23-27 may
-SUSY99 Fermilab 14-19 jun
-European HE Conf Tampere 15-21 jul
-Lorentz, CPT,neutrinosZacatecas 23-26 jun
-Elast and diffrac scatProtvino 27/6-2/7
-ICRC Salt Lake City 17-25 aug abst 15/2, papers 30/4
-TAUP99 Paris 5-10 sept Sitta To
-11th EPS London 6-10 sep