FYI: VAXNEWS item on GMONO (from M. SITTA)

Subject: FYI: VAXNEWS item on GMONO (from M. SITTA)
From: Erik Katsavounidis (
Date: Wed Sep 22 1999 - 08:31:18 EDT

 News 892 in MACRO.GENERAL on node VAXGS VaxNews 4.1

        From: WSGS02::SITTA ( Flectar non frangar )
     Subject: Version 3 of GMONO and Internal Memo 8/99
        Date: 22-SEP-1999 10:10:24
     Expires: 22-OCT-1999 10:10:24

                                                 L.N.G.S.,Assergi, 22-SEP-1999

    Version 3 of GMONO (a set of modifications to GMACRO in order to
    use it for simulating slow moving particles) is available. The main
    feature of the new version is the simulation of the streamer monopole
    triggers. It is located in
    under VMS and in
    under Unix. It was successfully tested on VAX/Alpha , Risc IBM and
    Digital Unix. Please send me comments/suggestions.

    To explain its new features and use the Internal Memo 8/99
        Streamer Monopole Trigger Simulation with GMACRO

    Best regards


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