please post paper comment requests to VAXGS!

Subject: please post paper comment requests to VAXGS!
From: Kate Scholberg (
Date: Wed Jan 12 2000 - 04:59:34 EST

> All the authors are invited to read the paper (mainly those
> which aren't involved in the neutrino WG), and consider what a
> consistent scenario MACRO obtained using all neutrino events.
> I accept any comments/corrections up to
> **** 10-Jenuary-2000 ****

It's already past Jan 10 !! I haven't had a chance to read the final paper
(and this is one I am very interested in and have comments on). I read an
earlier draft (from the upmu mailing list) and I was waiting for the
final version... but I don't read Vaxnews regularly.

I'm at a meeting now and can't make comments right away. Maurizio,
would you still accept comments by Monday or so? I'm sorry to be a pest,
but everyone PLEASE post paper announcements to macro-general, not
only VAXGS! (as I requested some time ago).


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