Subject: Intervention on Piller and UPS
Date: Mon Feb 28 2000 - 08:23:55 EST
next Wednesday, Mar. 1st, there is a scheduled intervention
for the maintenance of the Piller and UPS.
A power interruption will be simulated to identify broken
batteries of the Piller; in any case, the continuity of electrical
power is guaranteed and it is not required a detector shutdown.
This operation will take about 10 minutes.
A similar intervention will be done on the UPS near the counting
room building to check possible malfunctions, as
signalled during the last days.
In this case, VXMACA/B shutdown is required and the ACQ will be
performed on the backup system, supplied from the other power line.
The UPS must be completely discharged, so the duration of this
operation will depend on the electric load used.
Best regards,
Max Sioli
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