data taking anomaly in 1995

Subject: data taking anomaly in 1995
From: Bob Nolty (
Date: Sun Jun 04 2000 - 02:23:55 EDT

Hi all --

In looking carefully at the time-between-events distributions, I have
discovered a data taking anomaly that occurred in 1995. On 5 Jul 95,
runs 10401 and 10402 were recorded. Two days later, after run 10424,
two more runs were recorded and were accidentally given the same run
numbers, 10401 and 10402. In my dataset, runs 10401 and 10402 are the
versions taken on 7 Jul 95. See this clearly in the LGB-archive at

Other than that, it seems every run in my dataset began after the
previous run ended :-)

For what it's worth,

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